New To Salt Water Here


New Member
Jul 20, 2009
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I will be getting my first salt water setup within the week. Its a 65 gallon, so with this in mind normally how many fish is recommended in tank this size? The fish im interested in getting and hopefully there compatible with each other (let me know if not) are

Lion Fish
Yellow Tang or naso tang
Maroon or Orange clown fish
Huma Huma Trigger or Clown Trigger
and possibly a puffer and angelfish

My friend acutally has all of these fish i mentioned together but there in a 125 and for the most part they get along.
Welcome to the forum Joeballz.
I am a total newb when it comes to saltwater myself. I am sure you would get a better response and probably more correct answers if you posted in the saltwater section instead of the freshwater newbie area.

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