New to Ponds...


Fish Addict
Jun 25, 2004
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Maine, USA
I've been into Aquariums and Tropical fish for a long time now and I've been thinking of expanding my horizons, so to speak. I really have been wanting an outdoor pond for some time, and I thought of starting the project this fall. (Bad time I know, but I'm just buying the stuff and actually putting it all together in the Spring)
I have recently recieved a Ryukin Goldfish that I thought I as going to put in a 20g when he got large. (Right now he's in a 5g to grow out in). He is very small and I want to put him in the pond when he gets a bit bigger. Theres one problem with my plan of a small Goldfish pond. The legality of it. Up here in Maine, the government has passed a law that Goldfish of any kind cannot be sold from stores to be palced in ponds. They did this because predatory birds would take these goldfish from ponds and accidently drop them in nearby water sources. They claim that a Large Goldfish could destroy a Maine freshwater ecosystem in a matter of months, eating away the beneficial plant life. My only arguement is that there is no water source that could be effected by a Goldfish for at least 30 miles, plus the Fish couldn't survive a flight like that. Not to mention we have allmost no predatory birds around here.
So anyway! :whistle: As I said, I am very new to ponds. I know that there is digging and plumbing involved so, that's why I'm posting.(Besides for people's opinion on my whole deadly goldfish pond idea :rolleyes: )

My main questions are:

-How do I go about digging a hole for a medium-small pond?(I'm thinking a circle pond, maybe 5-6 feet in circumfrence, about 3 feet deep)

-What do I need to know about Pond filtration and plumbing?(waterfalls, filters, matinence, etc.)

-Goldfish can survive through Winter right?(If I can even have them in there :rolleyes: )

-How do I go about pluming a waterfall? Does this need to be done professionally?

Thanks for any help and anyone who read through my post!
-How do I go about digging a hole for a medium-small pond?(I'm thinking a circle pond, maybe 5-6 feet in circumfrence, about 3 feet deep).

......If you are going to you a liner such as Butyl then you will need to put an underlay down first such as old bed sheets or specialist underlays. This will hep in preventong punctures from roots and stones.

-What do I need to know about Pond filtration and plumbing?(waterfalls, filters, matinence, etc.)

........ A plain Goldsfish Pond doesn't actually need filtering, as if you have the right balance in the pond with plenty of plants and oxygenators it should do fine. The plants will help keep it clear and healthy, But i think it takes a while for this to establish.
But if you want you can put a filter in, you are in the States so i don't know what kind you have there. But i use a combined filter and UV from Hozelock and it does a great job!!! A *Solid handling pump* as opposed to a fountain pump will help with sludge and debris which will get caught in the filter.

My Goldfish survive through winter, the pond freezes right over! Sorry but i've never built a waterfall so i hope someone else can help you with that!
:D Cool, so if I want just a goldfish pond, I should just get a little filter sysytem? You mentioned I didn't need one, but I might put one in. Where do I get oxigenators? What are they exaclty. Thanks for the help, I'll make sure to put down a big plastic sheet when I put the pond in.

EDIT: What do I use for a gravel on the bottom? I want to know because I will be planting plants.

ALSO, What plants can survive through the Winter? Thanks.
When you buy your liner remember to get it alot bigger than the pond. :thumbs:Plants in ours are just in baskets its easier just lower them in when the pond is filled.

Lots survive through winter, water lillies are really nice.
Not sure were you live but if its mild most of the plants will survive for you. :thumbs:
I'm up in the North East of the U.S. (Near Canada) It get pretty cold here in the Winter, plus we get alot of snow. I was thinking of Dwarf cactails and some hardy lillies, plus some other Bog plants. Again, what do I use for a substrate for a pond? Do I use rocks or sand, or....? :huh: Also, my other concern is that Goldfish are big waste producers so, will i definately need a filter?
I wouldn't use sand! If you do it will just get sucked up if you have a pump. And it will all turn green within weeks so you won't hardly see the bottom.

I put plants in a pond plant basket with hessian and aquatic compost, with gravel on top to stop the soil going everywhere.

Most plants will go dormant in the winter and grow again after the last frost.

Read about plants here and see if your local garden/pond place has them when you make the pond. Avoid Parrots feather as this will just grow like mad.
Thanks. I think I'm going to buy some plants online, like the cactails I mentioned. The other plants I'm just going to buy next spring when I actually set up the Pond. Where can I buy aquatic compost?
Again, as you're in America i don't know. But check you pet/garden/fish shops. And online if you have no luck.
Plants will give oxygen to the pond and look nice. I would have a pump and filter as a lot of sludge does accumulate at the bottom. You said about a waterfall, well the pump could go to the filter the back to the pond via the waterfall!
How do most of these filters work? Do you need to plug them in an out outlet or something? I just want a simple filter. I checked some prices and they're all quite expenisve. :/
I think carefully before making it and adding Goldfish, in the UK there is a heavy fine if you are found keeping illegal fish or fish that can only be kept inside being kept outside. For a nice Goldfish pond 24-36" will be deep enough. You can then plant it and run a simple box filter attached to a small pump/foutain, its best to check the lfs to see what models you have available to you and then we can go from there, best of luck. :)
The fines are not as heavy here in Maine, so I'm not as concerned. Plus, my neighborhood has no police drive down it, because it is so small and private. My only concern is the pond totally freezing, killing the Goldfish... :/
Personally,i didnt use gravel or anything else on the bottom of my pond,for the simple reason if you ever have to get in the pond (like ive done a couple of times for maintenance etc..) the gravel may puncture the liner.
As for a waterfall?......i bought a ready made one froma pet store made out of fibreglass :nod:

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