New to plants

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Jun 13, 2020
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So cal
I just started to plant my aquarium, so far, it has
1 anubius
2 moss balls
And java moss
I just added them yesterday, when should I get fertilizer for them.
What is your substrate? Some substrates already have fertiliser in them.
Is your tank cycled? What kind of fertilizer are you looking to get? :)
You can inject C02, have caplsules, mixtures etc...
I'm not an expert and I find the plant stuff a little complicated so what I am planning to use is an all in one aquarium plant food. ;)
Here are some links that may help more:

Which planted tank fertiliser is right for you?
Best aquarium fertilisers 2020
The anubias and java moss are grown attached to decor and moss balls sit on top of the substrate, so root tabs are no use, you'll need a liquid fertiliser. Not all liquid fertilisers contain all the micronutrients needed by plants, the best ones are Seachem Flourish comprehensive supplement and Brightwell FlorinMulti. Make sure you buy one of those two with exactly those names as both companies make other similarly named products.
If you intend to get more plants which are rooted in the substrate and you don't have a fertiliser enriched substrate you will need root tabs for them - Seachem root tabs come highly recommended as they don't pollute the water like some other brands.

With slow growing plants like yours there is no benefit in using CO2. Even with fast growing plants if you intend to have fish in the tank, CO2 is not advised as it can harm fish. Thefish will produce enough CO2, as will the bacteria in the substrate as they break down waste matter to form carbon dioxide.

As for when to start adding the fertiliser, I would add it now.
Agree with @essjay get yourself a micro nutrient supplement (Flourish Comprehensive is perfect but there are other brands).

Just be mindful with these slow growing plants that they do not need that much light. By light I mean intensity not necessarily duration. My slow growing Anubis/Java fern tank has the lights on 12hrs a day, but its really low intensity. The norm when first adding plants is 5-6 hours and work your way up 30 mins every week until you see algae and then roll back 30 mins.

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