New To Oto - Cute Lil Fella


Fish Crazy
Jan 25, 2011
Reaction score
Lincoln, Lincolnshire
Oto has been in my tank since saturday - munching away on plants, doesnt take alot of interest in sinking pellets. Keep reading that you can feed cucumber, zuchinni etc. How do I go about doing this? Do I skin the cucumber so it leaves the mushy bit? Chop it in half? Boil it? Or do I just sink it to the bottom of the tank?

How long should you roughly leave it in for? Does it cause alot of problems for the tank? Do the other fish suffer from placing this kind of food in a tank?

Really sorry for the 21 questions, just I adore this cute lil fella and want to help nourish him :rolleyes:
I recommend adding more Oto's, they love being in groups of 5+. They are really active and fun to watch when in groups as well. Wereas they can be a bit skittish sometimes when on their own :good:

I definately will be adding more oto's - they only had the one, so I thought i'd rescue it :lol:
This one i thinks just really shy at the minute, just got to give it chance to warm upto its new home :good:
I'm sure he'll come round when he has sone pals in their aswell :(

I meant to put a smiley face on my last post not a sad face :D :D
Cucumber doesn't need peeling or cooking; just sink it to the bottom by rubber banding it to a stone or sticking a (stainless steel) fork or teaspoon through it.

There's not much goodness in cucumber though; 'zuchini' (or courgette; I'm in the UK!) or good, green lettuce (NOT iceburg!) are better.
They need boiling water poured over them, or putting in the microwave for a minute or two, just to soften them slightly. You can try all sorts of other fruit and veg too. Leave it in overnight.

Definitely get your oto some friends ;)
Had a mahoosive scare tonight - really thought I'd lost my little one :( :shout: I was even talking to the tank, to try and find out where he was hiding :unsure: I had recently done a little bit of water change too, so i got really paranoid and thought i'd tipped him down the plughole.
I love my otos they are great little fish try and add zucchini to the tank. I just got mine to eat some together. If they seer one eating the other joins. I have some Pygmy Cory cats they have the same markings and color I see the otos school with them.

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