New To Neons!


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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I've bought my first ever neon tetras today, 8 of them! I am so in love, no one has ever told me how awesome they are. My poor guppies are cowering in fear though, sure didn't expect that!

I had been planning to add some platies in another few weeks, but I just might go ahead and add some more tetras, possibly a different color... will have to read up on it though as neons the only ones I have read about.

Anyway... that's all, happy to be joining another part of the forum. :look:
Im new to them as well. Got 9 today they all shoal together but one of them likes to hide on its own for a bit while another two chase each other like mad great to watch ha
A couple of tetras that I personally think compliment neons are, bloodfins, silver tips and red eye tetras. There are hundreds of different types though. Just be certain what you choose aren't fin nippers like serpaes or black/white skirts.
Welcome to the addiction. It's almost as bad as cichlids.
In the end, I just added more neons. I added 16 (one got neon tetra disease but luckily no others have become infected).
I couldn't decide on which to get either, I had neons in my first tank years ago, now I've restarted I chose cardinals, virtually the same but the red is the whole length of the fish, not just the back half, I have 8 at the minute, will probably extend that to 10, maybe 12.

But I just added 6 black phantom tetra and was hoping to add some bright platys or mollies, don't want to overstock, its hard to choose :-(
Yeah, I prefer to understock my tank, especially seeing as I have female guppies in there, 4 of which are not virgins. So I save that bit of room to rear any babies before I rehome them.
Great choice, I have cardinals. I had 10 but found they didn't stay together very much in my tank. I went back and got another 10 and everyone is happy and stay together. They are beautiful little fish.

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