Hi people...
Having kept marine in the past i have decided to go with a Nano set up due to limited space...
I have managed to aquire an amazing set-up at a great price...
The system has been running for over a year now...
18g - 2' x 12" x 15" Glass tank
9kg of Live Rock, Live Arog Substrate
Maxijet 1200 x 1000 Powerheads for movement
T5 Overtank Luminaire....
At the minute it is housing a Percula Clown and a Purple Firefish...
I am thinking about adding an Internal Filter to aid in the removal of Deritus from the tank, I could also run different filter media in this filter.
My question is this, can you add a new filter to an already established tank with no problems?...
My other tanks have always been set up from new so the filters have established along with the tank...
Any thoughts on this?...
I was thinking of just adding a small fluval with a spray bar fitted horizontally near the surface to aid in the surface aggitation...
along with the 2 maxijets....
Anya dvice guys?...
Having kept marine in the past i have decided to go with a Nano set up due to limited space...
I have managed to aquire an amazing set-up at a great price...
The system has been running for over a year now...
18g - 2' x 12" x 15" Glass tank
9kg of Live Rock, Live Arog Substrate
Maxijet 1200 x 1000 Powerheads for movement
T5 Overtank Luminaire....
At the minute it is housing a Percula Clown and a Purple Firefish...
I am thinking about adding an Internal Filter to aid in the removal of Deritus from the tank, I could also run different filter media in this filter.
My question is this, can you add a new filter to an already established tank with no problems?...
My other tanks have always been set up from new so the filters have established along with the tank...
Any thoughts on this?...
I was thinking of just adding a small fluval with a spray bar fitted horizontally near the surface to aid in the surface aggitation...
along with the 2 maxijets....
Anya dvice guys?...