New-to-me Tank Problems


New Member
Sep 26, 2007
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Well qw got a good deal (we thought) on a tank and stand. We thought it was a 55 gallon but it only holds 47 gallons of water (it needed resealing and we measured when we filled it with water to test the seal.)

The problem is at the top plastic framing thing. Since its a long tank, there is a cross peice in the middle and this coss peice is broken. We tried gluing it and that did work, but then when we filled the tank, it broke again. The spread between the cross peice and the side of the tank was a 1/4 of an inch so each side is bowing out a 1/8 of an inch.

DH by trade is an electrician so is a wiz at getting stuff to work, however he is not a carpenter (and I am worse). He did have an idea but then he saw the size of the filter and said he didn't want to build a hood large enough for the filter (a marineland biowheel 350C).

Anyway, something welded is not out, but I would prefer that it looks ok.

Any ideas? BTW, the tank is 4 foot long and a foot wide, 19 inches deep.
What brand of tank is it? It almost sounds like a Juwel rio? What was the brace made from? The Rio has a plastic brace that sort of slots into place. I really don't like it that much. I'd imagine you could buy another from a juwel stockist?
It's an All-glass, or Aqueon. I have heard of the Rio but never knew what it meant.

Thanks for the idea though, I was able to find the manufacturer and find out the part number, maybe I will be able to order it.


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