New To Marines


New Member
Jun 10, 2006
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;) Hi there - just managed to get logged in at last!!!!!

I have kept tropical fish for about 5 years and have a 36" x 18 x 12 community tank with 10 neons,4 red eyed tetras, 2 female and 1 male guppies, 1 plec and 1 clown loach. Semi planted.

I have just bought a second hand marine set up and I am so excited but I will give more details on the marine topics section.

:hi: to the dark side Debs :D. Hope you like your stay.

Buying a second hand setup is a great way to start the hobby. You're gonna wanna read up on the pinned topics right away to get a good grasp on things. While Marine setups share some things in common with FW, a lot of stuff is different and will take some learning and getting used to. So go have a good read and get ack to us with some things that confuse you from those topics

Hi and welcome to our marine section :hi:

Feel free to ask any question no matter how stupid they may seem, the worst question of all is the one that is never asked.

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