New To Marine Help?


Dec 21, 2006
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Derbyshire, United Kingdom
hi today i was looking at the biube and the marine conversion and it say it can hold 2 clownfish and a few clean up crew, what other small marine fish can i put with clown if i were to get a biorb 60 and convert to marine.
the biube has a very small footprint you would be better off getting a standard 10 or 20 gallon square tank also regarding small fish with the clown you could have many goby or bennies also how about a royal gramma or a firefish
hi today i was looking at the biube and the marine conversion and it say it can hold 2 clownfish and a few clean up crew, what other small marine fish can i put with clown if i were to get a biorb 60 and convert to marine.
With Marines the bigger the tank the better - IMO a biorb is to small

While people keep very successful Nano tanks they are much harder to maintain than a bigger tank
if you have a pair of clownfish in a tank with less than 100litres of water I would not recommend any other fish in with them. When the clowns start to breed they will chase or even kill any other fish in the tank. They will even have a go at shrimp and hermit crabs.
ive seen a video on utube and some one had a bior 60 with a occeloires clown not sure on spelling and a regal tang how big do regal tangs grow
and what is recomende stocking levels in freshwater its a cm of fish to every litre what is the ratio in marine
ive seen a video on utube and some one had a bior 60 with a occeloires clown not sure on spelling and a regal tang how big do regal tangs grow
and what is recomende stocking levels in freshwater its a cm of fish to every litre what is the ratio in marine

The fact it is on utube doesn't mean it is a good idea

A Regal Tang gets much to big for a biorb - I wouldn't recommend one for a tank under 5'

They grow to 12"
a regal tang can get to 12 inches and needs at leatst 100 gallons to swim about
it's up to you, but it's a very bad idea, the tank is impractical for marine life.

the acrylic will scratch, the filter will clog, the glass will be a nightmare to clean, the water flow will be poor, the lighting will be insufficient for all but the most undemanding of corals... etc etc

if you want to keep a small (nano) marine aquarium, something like a 20 / 30 long is a MUCH better option

as for putting any sort of tang in there... definitely not suitable for a tank that size, whatever make it is

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