New To Keeping Fish, Some General Questions About Our Set Up.


New Member
Nov 1, 2010
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Hi all.
We have an Aqua one 510 tropical set up that we bought second hand and have got it up and running with a small shoal of 7 Black Phantoms. Few questions....

The tank is currently running at about 25 degrees and has a pea gravel substrate. It has been planted out with various plants and has a piece of what I believe is bog wood. Water capacity is 75 litres.

When we bought the tank it came with an additional air pump as well as a Fluval 3 Plus intank filter. At the moment we are using the hood filter only. Whilst I can see that it would be a benfit to have an air pump and an addtional filter, are these required? We want the tank to look as natural as possible so ideally would like to limit equipment in the tank but obviously, the welfare of the fish has to be our main concern.

We want to take it slowly to ensure the integrity of the tank and its occupants but would like to add some hardy and colourful fish next. What fish are relatively small, brightly coloured, hardy and good to place in a tank of this size along with the Black Phantoms as well as what we will add in the future? There seems to be lots of info out there but its always nice to hear from other peoples experience.

Finally, the hood has 2 lamps in it and we were told by a local supplier that if the tubes are more than a year old it would be worth replacing them. To me, a sparky by trade, they look to be standard type lamps and are working. Is tube replacement simply regular maintenance or is it to do with light output and plant growth etc?

Finally, what if anything needs to be added to the water to promote plant growth?

Sounds like you are in a Fish-In Cycle then, if the mature filter was not brought over with the fish from the previous owner? Our fish-in cycling article is in the Beginners Resource Center.

I'd recommend a little TPN+ (Tropica Plant Nutrition Plus) (assuming you are in UK) just to help the plants get started although ultimately the fish will probably produce enough fertilizer for them for the most part, if you are going to follow low-light technique.

ps. Welcome to TFF!
Welcome to the TTF.

Sounds like you will have a nice set up there.

You realy need to read up on The Nitrogen Cycle.

Then you need to read up on Fish In Cycling.

Thses two posts will help you understand what is happening to the water, fish & plants in your aquarium as it matures.

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