New To Forums! How To Feed Cory Cats...


Fish Crazy
Apr 7, 2008
Reaction score
USA, Colorado, Denver
Hi there. I am new to this forum and this is my first posting.

I've been doing a lot of reading before I got into freshwater aquariums but I lack some real life practical knowledge.

I have a 55 gallon setup, I am still in the process of cycling I believe (but that deserves a separate post). I have 12 tiger barbs and 3 melanistius cory catfish.
I gues my first question is what is the best way to feed my cory cats? They are so cute and I do want to make sure their diet is supplmented with more then just scraps, or leftover food. I bought shrimp pellets and wafers designed jsut for bottom feeders and catfish. Often, the tiger barbs get to the food before the catfish. There have been times where I have even dropped a wafer or pellet right near the catfish, but they didnt show any interest or response.
It may be best to feed them when the lights go out, and Ive tried that, but, I cant be sure they are getting their share and that the tiger barbs aren't getting to it first.

Any ideas? is there something Im doing wrong?

oops! I saw there is a separate forum for cory cats! I didn't see that.
Hi there. I am new to this forum and this is my first posting.

I've been doing a lot of reading before I got into freshwater aquariums but I lack some real life practical knowledge.

I have a 55 gallon setup, I am still in the process of cycling I believe (but that deserves a separate post). I have 12 tiger barbs and 3 melanistius cory catfish.
I gues my first question is what is the best way to feed my cory cats? They are so cute and I do want to make sure their diet is supplmented with more then just scraps, or leftover food. I bought shrimp pellets and wafers designed jsut for bottom feeders and catfish. Often, the tiger barbs get to the food before the catfish. There have been times where I have even dropped a wafer or pellet right near the catfish, but they didnt show any interest or response.
It may be best to feed them when the lights go out, and Ive tried that, but, I cant be sure they are getting their share and that the tiger barbs aren't getting to it first.

Any ideas? is there something Im doing wrong?

oops! I saw there is a separate forum for cory cats! I didn't see that.

Get your self some JMC cat pellets. They are really fast sinking pellets. The corys love them. Not sure if you can get them in the states but they are really good. Also frozen bloodworm is a nice treat for them.


yup as with all fish they need a bit of variety

catfish pellets are a good staple diet but you can mix it up with bloodworms, sinking meaty pellets (small cichlid pellets go down well) and fresh veg (peas are a good oen to try, blanch them briefly in boiling water, pop them out of the shell then drop them in the tank, depending on the size of your cories you may need to chop them up first)
we have corys in with tiger barbs & they love the meaty treats i give our other fish like bloodworm,mosquito larvae,brineshrimp etc. i always drop some food in corners & at the back whilst distracting the gannets (barbs) with food up the top - gives the corys ( & loaches)a chance to get their share. i do the same if the fish are getting flake that day i wet & drop a teeny pinch of flake in a corner so the corys again get a chance. ours love hikari catfish & algae tabs the best but do eat most othr catfish tabs ive tried.
yea we have tried to distract the tigert barbs by feeding fkales on one side of the tank, and while they eat, drop shrimp pellets or hikari wafers. but the catfish do not respond and find the food, nothing like the tiger barbs.
maybe they are getting their share at night and im just not seeing?
i doubt that they wouldnt like both the wafers for catfish AND the shrimp pellets.
Basically ive yet to actually see any of the catfish actively eating a flake or the foods mentioned above. Once I saw them simply glide over the wafer as if uninterested. in the meantime, family is screaming at me that those things are starving!

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