New to Forum


New Member
Jan 20, 2025
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Hi all and hello

Just registered. Have been keeping tropical and marine aquarist for over 50 years. Am starting to think about giving up and thought by joining the forum, it might give me some inspiration to continue.

I hope you don't give up your fish. Welcome to the forum. What tanks do you have?
Thank you for the welcome.

I have 1200 x 600 x 600 ND Aquatics tanks (circa 430 litres). I run a Flval 406 filter and an Eheim Pro 3 filter. Lighting is via 2 x 36" T5's and 2 x 42W T5's. I have a deep gravel and fertiliser substrate. I was running CO2 but not currently, however am using liquid CO2 and Fertiliser. Fish consist of 4 large & 2 medium sized clownloach, 6 large pearl gourami's, 30 harlequins, 20 red nose tetra's, 4 otocinclus, approx 15 amano shrimps, 6 corydoras and a couple of rogue tetra's.
Welcome to the forum... :hi:
What makes you think to get out of the hobby, if I may ask?
Welcome. I understand your dilemma. I hope the jury returns with a favorable verdict.
Welcome to the forum! 👋

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