New To Forum With Questions


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Jan 11, 2009
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Hi everyone! So excited to join in the discussions. I have been on other fish forums, but this is my first time here!

Ok, so this is my history, and the reason I am here. I have had two FWT aquariums for a couple of years. One 5 gallon simple set up with twinbar platties, and at times lots of them. And my main tank, a 20 gallon planted aquarium. This one has a flourite / river gravel base with an assortment of rocks and various FWT plants. This tank was quite at home with the following community for over two years, three albino corys, two yo-yo loaches (introduced after a snail population became unbearable), five bloodfin tetras, and a small pleco (introduced after the algea, which was being kept in check by the snails, became out of control).

All was well till the entire area suffered an Ice storm which knocked out power to the entire southern part of the state. Needless to say, my emergency measures were good for only so long (back up battery bubbler, hot hands packs taped to the sides, etc) but we were forced to evacuate ourselves after 48 hours of no electricity and the house temperature dropping to 47F. Our electricity was out for about 4 days (which is better than some people who were out for a week or more!). But I came back to as expected two dead aquariums.

The small five gallon I cleaned and put in storage. The 20 gallon, I removed my friends, pruned out a bunch of dead plants, did a 3/4 water change, clean filter pack, etc. Then let the tank run with lights air cycling for about three weeks. Due to the local fish stores being picked clean, I waited a bit longer than I would have liked. So just kept it running with some water changes here or there.

But here is my question. I tested the water and all seems to be chemically the same as before the crash, pH 7.8 (I have well water and that is the pH of my tap). General hardness was 6 dGH, Ammonia ~0, Nitrite ~0, and Nitrate <10. So I introduced two Otto cats. One was dead within 24 hours, the other 48 hours. Fished them out and yesterday put in five glass shrimp and due to my DD wanting them, two clown loaches. So far the clown loaches hide under my rocks and I am concerned about their wellbeing. But all the water tests seem ok?

I did notice I have some white something covering the plastic air lines that are below the water line, also on any rubber parts on the filter and heater. Is it possible that I have some bacterial contamination? What is the white stuff? First time I have seen it.

Well, that is that, if anyone has any suggestions on the white stuff, I would appreciate it!

:hi: to TFF.

Ottos can be hard to aclimate, and it sounds like you found that out the hard way :sad: Shrimp are great things. Clown loach need a group to feel secure, and when kept as less than 4, they tend to become rather shy and reclusive :sad: This said, they grow to 15" in captivity, so possibly not the best choice for your 20g :no: they will need re-homing or up-grading to a 75-100g (depending on foot print) eventually, though they are slow growers ;) The same applies to the plec, though they tend to grow at an astonishing inch per month on the correct diet :crazy:

Sounds like you have got through your incident well :nod: The tank has not crashed and the water stats look good :nod:

All the best

Thanks for the welcome!

Darn, wish I knew that about the clown loaches... My yo-yo's were small (3-4 inches) and did not seem to get much larger than that over the year and a half I had them. I really bought the clown's on impulse since my 3 yo DD really wanted them. I purposely try to avoid anything I know will outgrow (like the sharks the pet store kid was trying his hardest to sell me.. uhm, no means no?" :angry: ).

Well, I am now looking to re-stock all over and trying to find fish of interest for my DD. She keeps pushing the "nemo" fish. I have to tell her that we do not have "salt". But I am tempted to set up a salt tank, but right now not on my budget.

So thinking of trying my hand at some barbs this time. Any suggestions anyone?
Hi NHmom and welcome to the forum. :hi:

Sorry to hear of your problems. In those circumstances, there isn't a lot you can do without a generator. As mentioned, the clowns will out grow your tank pretty quickly. If you can return them, that would be best. I have nad no success with otos. They are all love caught and dont travel well. If the stores were picked clean and just got a new shipment in, then that is probably the reason you lost them both. They generally have a very large die-off of new shipments. Even the ones that have survived for a couple weeks are still susceptible to sudden deaths for no apparent reason.

As far as barbs are concerned, there a several that would work in your tank. The only one I would warn you of are tiger barbs. They are pretty fish but a little too aggressive for a community tank. They will attack and harass most fish, even those lorger than them. If you like the look of tigers, you might try pentazona barb (also called five banded barbs). They are wuite similar looking but much more peaceful.

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