New To Forum But Not Fish


New Member
May 5, 2010
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Hi all , I am so glad I found this forum. I have a few aquariums as well as a couple of koi ponds. I have had aquariums for over 20 years and have had a pond for the past 7-8 . My tanks are 55 gal, 45 gal. and 30 gallons. My ponds are 2500 gallons and 10,000 gallons. In the tanks its mostly tropical and the 30 gallon is used for babies when needed. I plan to have Discus again one day but at the moment I only have a community tank. My ponds the 10 k gallon has koi that range from 7 inches to 29 inches well until they spawn again then there will be smaller ones in there lol. The other pond has 1 fish it is used for qt or breeding and or babies.I look forward to getting to know you all and be warned I am a talker LOL.
hey there =]

welcome to the forum!

look forward to seeing you around :good:

you have some awesome sounding tanks =] what do you keep in them?
We are a photo-loving folk.....indulge us please! :)
Ahoy there :fun:

Welcome to TFF only started really using this recently myself, but its a great site full of great people.

let us all have a nosey at them ponds and tanks and everyone will have plenty to talk about haha!

again, welcome! :rolleyes:

I will need to charge the batteries for tank fish photos nothing fancy in there just sailfin mollies and pot bellied mollies some glow fish and a pair of bettas. I will post some older pictures of my koi will post up some more later.Wel will need to load up photobucket first or read up to see how to post the pictures on here.
Okay here we go , if I can get this right lol.





Stunning koi!

Post in the betta section as well, we want pictures!
Thank you everyone , I have posted pictures of my betta and my mollies in the sections they go in. The koi in the first picture is about 29 inches long and female. The one in the measuring tub is about 25-26 inches and male the black and white one is about 23-24 inches and female. I have not posted pictures of my whole tank until I get it where I want it. I am changing the decor around in it so as soon as it is done I will post it.

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