New to Fishes


New Member
Jul 6, 2004
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Leeds, UK
Hi all, have just inherited a fish tank in our new office, 90 litres ( think that is 24 gallons).
We have a Catfish (think it is a bristlenose0,a nd 1 black widow Tetra left, no idea how they survived, the tank has been uncleaned for over a year, and had no filter!
So far we have done pretty much everything worng I think, we totally cleaned out the tank including all the gravel. Though we did use anti chlorination stuff for the water.
We told the man in the shop we had no filter to a look of horror on his face, so we now have one of those, and want to buy some fish later on in the week, thinking 5 more Black widow tetra for our lonely one.
After that, we are not so sure...any ideas, how many can we have?
Don't think there is anyway we can have a quarantine tank, as not heater and stuff.
Cheers for any advice...oh yeh the tank is here:
I think thats a corydoras catfish not a bristlenose, I would suggest getting some more corydoras because they like to be in groups. Buy some food for bottom feeders and some flake food for the tetras. Dont overfeed the fish only give them small amounts once a day and dont worry about the weekends they will be fine. Make sure there are some hiding places for the fish, wood, Fake plants etc as they will be happier. If you are buying fish ask for hardy fish which wont die to easy. Good luck
I wouldn't add any more fish straight away. how long has it been up and running with the filter? you may be ok adding 1 or 2 more black widows (they are pretty tough and may be company for the single one) but then leave things to settle down and for the tank to cycle. There is plenty of information concerning this on the site.

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