New To Fish


New Member
Aug 3, 2013
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Hi All,

My wife and I were just given a small fish tank (38cm wide x 25cm deep x 33 cm tall to "max water mark") and we're completely new to this :)

It has a lid and what I assume is a filter box with a pipe going up into it then into a box that you can take the top off. The tube in the box has holes for water to flow through. At the bottom of the box is a plastic grate sort of thing. Now, I'm assuming you put the noodles, the white micro filter pads and the black carbo filter pads we got with it in this box as they're about that size and the water drips out of the holes onto it and filters through back into the tank.

My query though is in which order (i.e. black first, then white then noodles on top?) and how much do you put in (One sheet of each colour or more/how thick should the total be)?

And does it go in the gap below the grate, or does it all sit on top of the grate? Or a combination?

I've found lots of info on things like cycling tanks etc but this seems to be one of those questions that are apparently so easy no one thinks to write guides about them? :p

Also, in this size tank, how many fish should we get once it's ready to hold them? We kind of want those little bright coloured ones (I think they're neon tetras, they're quite small and fluro blue). We were also thinking some of those small ones about the same size that eat algae to help keep the tank clean, or would that be too many/not necessary/counter productive?

Final question, the pipe that goes down into the water from the filter box has quite a big "mouth" on it (goes from a smaller pipe to a bigger funnel shape). Do fish get sucked up into these? It didn't come with anything to filter them out over it and I'd imagine the size fish we want could fit in. Or are they not that stupid? :p

Thanks for any assistance :)
Thanks, read through that beginners section and I think I know the answer to the how many fish and should we get algae eaters questions now.

However, while I found info on what the types of filter material are for, it didn't really clarify how much or in which order would be best.
look at the male guppy's for fish they are quite small and can get in lots of colours
Welcome to the hobby!

By "noodles" do you mean little ceramic thingies? Carbon is useless in filters unless you want to remove meds from the water, so you should have a sponge, ceramcs, or other bio-media in there. The order is white (mechanical filtration), carbon (chemical filtration, not neccesary), noodles (biological filtration). You should only need the white pad and the noodles, just remember to cycle the tank before adding fish.
BTW, the tank dimensions you listed are only about 41.4 liters, or 8.3gal, making it a nano-tank, so algae eating fish are not going to fit. Snails are your friends for this job in a tank your size.
It sounds like you have a trickle filter (if you could get some pics up, or tell us the brand of tank, that would help).
If it is a trickle filter, you want to fill up as much of the box as possible with ceramic rings (you might need to buy some more, eventually), with a layer of the white micro pads (at least, if that's a 'cotton wool' type stuff, or a fine sponge) on the top.
Then the white stuff will trap actual lumps of dirt (and can be either cleaned quite aggressively or replaced as necessary) and stop them clogging your ceramic rings, which will hold your filter bacteria (and which you never replace).
As Nordk says, you don't need to run the carbon. 
Thanks all :). The type of tank I have is listed as a "Aquacare Aquarium" on the top if that makes sense :)

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