New to fish keeping


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Feb 15, 2023
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Hi everyone. I'm new to fish keeping and i'm currently cycling my first 30 L (8g) tank to use for a Betta. I'm using fish food and adding Prime and Stability, so hopefully everything will go smoothly.

I have plans to eventually buy a 180 L (50g) tank later this year, and i want to stock it with Tetras, Pleco, Corydora Catfish, Amano Shrimps, and a mystery snail. I was thinking about adding a few guppies too, but i don't want to overstock it as i take the wellbeing of the fish seriously. I've done a lot of research these last 2 months, and i'm very interested in the fish keeping hobby. I might add a few pics of my 30 L tank
Sounds like you are on a good path. I would find out what your water parameters are from your water supplier or test yourself. It is way simpler to pick fish that fit water you have then try to mix buffers and adjusters to get water to fit the fish, especially if you are new to the hobby.

On thing I will note is that Guppies, and perhaps the invertebrates are typically harder water fish, and the tetras and cories are softwater fish. So typically they will not mix well just due to different water requirements. Others are much more knowledgeable on this aspect and may weigh into this conversation.

Hope you enjoy the hobby.
What kind of plecos are you considering? Some get huge like the Common Pleco which can easily reach 12 inches. There are many other varieties like the clown pleco that won’t get past 4”. Stick with the smaller guys in a 50g. Your selections sound good. I’d get at least 5 guppies. My boys like to hang out in a little grpup.
I have plans to eventually buy a 180 L (50g) tank later this year, and i want to stock it with Tetras, Pleco, Corydora Catfish, Amano Shrimps, and a mystery snail. I was thinking about adding a few guppies too, but i don't want to overstock it as i take the wellbeing of the fish seriously.
I have a 180L and that is basicly my stockist. 👍

I also have guppies and mollys.

My plec is a BNP called chewbacca.
Hi and welcome aboard... :hi:
If I look at the combination of your future stocking, be sure that the water is at least moderate soft to keep the guppies well. And you don't want to overstock that tank, so it's better to only keep male guppies besides all the other fish. And choose the pleco species well. For there are different sizes of pleco species.
Hi and welcome aboard... :hi:
If I look at the combination of your future stocking, be sure that the water is at least moderate soft to keep the guppies well. And you don't want to overstock that tank, so it's better to only keep male guppies besides all the other fish. And choose the pleco species well. For there are different sizes of pleco species.
He knows what he is talking about. I have a guppy explosion right now.
Hi everyone. I'm new to fish keeping and i'm currently cycling my first 30 L (8g) tank to use for a Betta. I'm using fish food and adding Prime and Stability, so hopefully everything will go smoothly.

I have plans to eventually buy a 180 L (50g) tank later this year, and i want to stock it with Tetras, Pleco, Corydora Catfish, Amano Shrimps, and a mystery snail. I was thinking about adding a few guppies too, but i don't want to overstock it as i take the wellbeing of the fish seriously. I've done a lot of research these last 2 months, and i'm very interested in the fish keeping hobby. I might add a few pics of my 30 L tank
You can find your water hardness on your water company website or look it up online by zip code.

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