New To Fish Keeping And Just Purchased 2 Catfish


New Member
Sep 13, 2006
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Im new o fish keeping (although I used to keep an aquarium with my dad as a kid) and I've just purchased 2 Catfish, they seem like really good fish, although they keep themselves to themselves, the problem is I cant identify them. I've been all through the books I have and have scoured the net, but I cant find anything out about this variety. I see that there are a huge amount of catfish species from my searches around the www, and have kinda got lost trying to find a likeness.

The closest match Iv found so far is Hoplosternum thoracatum, although the two tone kinda couloration is alot more prominant in mine, ie the white and black are much more defined, also their heads are a lot squarer. In fact I'd say their colouration is leopard print, or maze-like. They are very, very beautiful fish.

Behaviour-wise, they keep to the bottom of the tank, and keep to dark areas, they seem to be cleaning the algae from the bottom of the tank. From my observation in the 48 hours we've had they they have kept to themselves and not interracted with any of our other fish (those these are all top dwellers).

Im sorry if my descriptions are a bit bad, Iv tried getting pictures of them but they are not visible very often at the front of the tank.

Any information about these fish anyone could give would be greatly appreciated. We were told these were very rare and available for a limited time but were labled as flag fish, which to my research seems wrong.

Thanx alot
there are many species similar the the one you said about: how about these:

- Dianema longibarbis
- Megalechis picta
- Megalechis thoracata

:) hope these help
there are many species similar the the one you said about: how about these:

- Dianema longibarbis
- Megalechis picta
- Megalechis thoracata

:) hope these help

Cheers for the help man. Iv just googled them though, and ithey're none of those. Thanks alot though...

hrm no of those... and there defiantly that shape?

try its one of, if not, the best catfish sites around
') good luck with IDing it.

when you find out post here :D cheers ;)
hrm no of those... and there defiantly that shape?

try its one of, if not, the best catfish sites around
') good luck with IDing it.

when you find out post here :D cheers ;)

Well, Iv had some success, the closest I can find now is Hypancistrus sp, though there are still dissimilarities. I continue my search.
patterns differ between nearly every fish of the same family so you want to find somethng close, if you want to be certain your gonna have to count the rays in the fins, the scales above and below the lateral line etc, it may even be an un-name species.

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