New to fish and forum


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
Adelaide, Australia
Hi People,

Im new to fish, but have always wanted a tank and tropical fish.

My GF's dad has heaps of tanks and fish and is giving us the full set up, tank, filter, heater, light, stand and gravel

its a 30"x12"x12" tank.

to start with i was thinking about getting a couple of silver dollars, a hand ful of neons and some red finned sharks and a brittle nose catfish.

will this be an ok mix? all will be baby fish.
Sound alright to me watch the silver dollar and the neons though ive seen neons go missing. I have had agressive fish and small quite fish in together before when the were small and they grew up together and were never harmed. Just make sure you have plenty of hiding spots fo the neons if they start to get bullyied
i have silver dollars and tiger barbs and they get along alrite altho the barbs like to be nosey but it works :D

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