New To Danios; How Often Do I Need To Walk Them?


Fish Herder
Mar 30, 2008
Reaction score
Queensbury, NY
i decided to add a cluster of 4 danios to my tank. all four zebra danios two are yellow two are normal because i could not decide.
my question is i know the basics of taking care of these little guys. what i am looking for information mainly about the behavior of these little guys. i have already observed they are very zippy and very curious and seem to like annoying my female betta lol.
so any expert advice would be appreciated.
these are the only fish i've kept so far. right now im in the process of breeding them.

These fish are really hardy. Ive kept them in temps from 67ish to almost 85+ (i know thats not ideal) they seem to thrie around 75 degrees farenheight, but i thought i would mention they can survive in those extreeme temps. I also bought them (from petsmart of all places) before i had a cycled tank and all of them have survived through a cycling process. ive noticed they get really stressed out when i try and net them. One or two of them in particular worry me when i need to transfer them to different tanks. I dont know if this is typical, but thought i would mention it.

These little guys eat just about everything i've fed them so far: flakes, pellets, algae wafers (they were supposed to be for my ottos), BBS, organic blakcworms(thanks to tolak), and also some spinach i had for my ottos. Similar sized foods shouldnt be a problem for them.

I would recommend getting a few more if possible. they look much better when they school with more of them.

Otherwise, if you've kept fish before, i think you'll do fine. Let me know if you have any specfic questions, i tried to cover as many general things i could think of.
Can you reasonably determine how many males and females are in the group? Males are more streamlined, while the females will normally have bigger bellies and look deeper. Ideally, you want twice as many females than males in your group.

Danios really need 6+ in a group, so 2 males and 4 females, which not only will make them happier but also will reduce how often they annoy your betta ;)
i've only noticed the femals getting significantly bigger bellies after a day or two of good quality food, i.e. not the flakes. Otherwise its been hard for me to sex mine. they move really fast lol
Can you reasonably determine how many males and females are in the group? Males are more streamlined, while the females will normally have bigger bellies and look deeper. Ideally, you want twice as many females than males in your group.

Danios really need 6+ in a group, so 2 males and 4 females, which not only will make them happier but also will reduce how often they annoy your betta ;)
betta gets annoyed because they constantly speeding around the tank, she would much rather meander around.

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