New to Cory's


Fish Herder
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Massachusetts, USA
Hey everyone,
I am pretty new to cory's and was wondering if I can transfer them to my 55 gallon tank with the fish in my signature. I feel so bad, cause they are in my 10 gallon now and don't seem to have enough room. I know they would be happier in the 55 gallon, but I am not quit sure if they can mix with the fish I have.

(Please Note: My balas are very skiddish, however my convict is female and pretty tame)

Edit: If i can move them, can i replace them with pygmy cories in the 10 gallon since they are alot smaller?
definately get the pygmys, i love them (I am currently looking for some locally) as for putting them with the 55, I havent ever had convicts (or cichlads for very long, i gave mine away a few weeks after getting some) so I am not sure how they would do with them. Corys are the most peacefull species I have ever kept along with plecos.

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