New To Cories. Need Some Advice/help With These Sinking Wafers.


Sep 7, 2006
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Seattle, WA U.S.A.
We bought some TetraMin Variety Wafers for our 3 new panda cories. I dropped one in earlier today, and it just sits there. The pandas come up to it and and appear to nibble, but the shape of the wafer doesn't seem to change much.

Do panda cories usually eat this slowly?

We have 3 in a 5.5 gallon quarentine tank, to be added to the 20 gallon later. Temp is at 74 degrees, ammonia/nitrite are 0 ppm.
Hi xoedusk :)

While I'm not familiar with that brand, it's possible that it's just too much for them. They will eat it as the surface softens so the size difference might not be as noticeable as you might think.

You could try taking it out and giving them another one before you go to bed since they are active and eat at night too.
I woild think the 3 pandas wouldn't make much of a dent on a wafer. The nice thing about Hikari wafers is that they are easy to break apart. I have some sort of Tetra sinking wafers and they are more shaped like a pill and would be hard to break--maybe with a pill cutter. But they do hold together in the water good--if they are the same as what you have. :rolleyes:

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