I got two Glofish Angelfish and thought the chance of them breeding was small since I assumed they were both females based on their head shapes. I found out over the weekend I was wrong (possibly). I noticed the behavior during feeding time of one of the angels was drastically different (chasing off the tetras violently without actually even eating) when I turned the lighting up I realized they had laid eggs on the intake tube of the filter. I have had schools of other Glofish tetras and danios without any breeding so just assumed all Glofish were sterile since you can’t breed them. Also as I said I thought I had two females (no crowns) I tried moving the eggs to a jar with methylene blue but I believe they all died. I have some questions.
1. Can someone help me identify the male and female? One of the fish had their breeding tube still visible but the other did not. The solid one is bigger but was bigger when I got it and I just assumed it was older. The one with black specs had no breeding tube visible but eggs were laid and they were both fanning the eggs in turns. Solid one was much more voracious in chasing off other fish and hardly ate at all while eggs were in the tank. Is it possible they are confused and two females? Maybe the eggs were never fertilized and that’s the reason they all died. If you believe they are male and female can you let me know which is which?
2. I never expected to have a bonded Glofish pair and I might not be able to separate them before they spawn again. Is it cruel to separate them and re-home one of them? I don’t want to attribute human emotions to the fish but don’t know if they will get depressed and die etc.
3. I do have group of blue Philippine angels and was hoping they would breed at some point or I planned to keep a school of all males since I have heard this can be harmonious without a female to vie for. If they do pair off to breed, do you keep them in the bigger tank and then move the eggs on the slate to a separate one with the parents or do you do the jar method without the parents? I have a 20 gallon tall hexagon tank (24” tall) Do you just move them permanently to the 20 gallon or move them back and forth. I don’t want to stress them out every few weeks if it’s not feasible. I have heard mixed thoughts on 20 gallon tall being big enough for breeding pair.
I know I can’t sell the glofish and not sure I can keep them together and give that many away. Lol
1. Can someone help me identify the male and female? One of the fish had their breeding tube still visible but the other did not. The solid one is bigger but was bigger when I got it and I just assumed it was older. The one with black specs had no breeding tube visible but eggs were laid and they were both fanning the eggs in turns. Solid one was much more voracious in chasing off other fish and hardly ate at all while eggs were in the tank. Is it possible they are confused and two females? Maybe the eggs were never fertilized and that’s the reason they all died. If you believe they are male and female can you let me know which is which?
2. I never expected to have a bonded Glofish pair and I might not be able to separate them before they spawn again. Is it cruel to separate them and re-home one of them? I don’t want to attribute human emotions to the fish but don’t know if they will get depressed and die etc.
3. I do have group of blue Philippine angels and was hoping they would breed at some point or I planned to keep a school of all males since I have heard this can be harmonious without a female to vie for. If they do pair off to breed, do you keep them in the bigger tank and then move the eggs on the slate to a separate one with the parents or do you do the jar method without the parents? I have a 20 gallon tall hexagon tank (24” tall) Do you just move them permanently to the 20 gallon or move them back and forth. I don’t want to stress them out every few weeks if it’s not feasible. I have heard mixed thoughts on 20 gallon tall being big enough for breeding pair.
I know I can’t sell the glofish and not sure I can keep them together and give that many away. Lol