New To Bettas


New Member
Oct 26, 2012
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Hi all, thought I would join a forum as I am just getting into Bettas. I have one called Jack who is amazing, if I hold a dried bloodworm just above the water he will jump up to take it from me! Getting so excited about Bettas that my partner is having to stop me from buying more. I have just been on AquaBid and saw loads that I could buy for a small (28l) tank next to my desk in the office. I have been trying my best to look after Jack properly and he seems happy enough after 4 months. He even sleeps upsidedown in a plant when the light goes off!
Welcome to the forum, I am about to setup a new tank with my first betta :D Very exited!!
my partner is having to stop me from buying more. I have just been on AquaBid and saw loads that I could buy for a small (28l) tank next to my desk in the office.

im sure you must be aware that you should only have one betta PER TANK, and that buying loads for your office 28l isnt a good idea, or are you pulling our legs :unsure:
I'm new as well :) Welcome! Unfortunately, my Betta - Steve - has not been wanting to communicate with me, he won't eat unless i get out of the room, and if i try going near the tank, he ignores me and does his own thing...

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