new to bettas


Mar 21, 2004
Reaction score
So Cal
hey guys, im pretty new to bettas (siamese fighting fish) but would like to know a lot more about them. over the years i probably had 3. Im aware of some of the fin types and how they breed. can anyone explain what kind of bettas there are? i know there are plakats, halfmoons, veiltails, and double tails. also, are the bettas you find in a lfs the veiltail varieties? i would also like to know what colors are the most common to the rarest or what desired characteristics a betta should have. if any of you have time to explain or tell me id greatly appreciate it.
also, are the bettas you find in a lfs the veiltail varieties?
Yes, veiltails are the most common, but that doesn't mean they aren't attractive.

i would also like to know what colors are the most common to the rarest or what desired characteristics a betta should have.
Most common to the rarest (off the top of my head):
Steel blue w/ red wash
Turquoise w/ green
Velvet red
Butterfly patterns
Pure royal blue (no redwash)
Pure bright red (no faults)
Pure opaque black (females are 100% infertile)
Pure opaque white (no faults)

The most desired characteristic of a betta, in my opinion, is flawless finnage - whether it be halfmoon, delta, doubletail, veiltail, whatever. Good physical structure of the fins can overcome the worst color pattern. As long as the rays don't cross over each other and appear semi rigid without crimps at the tips.

Here are some pictures of my red veiltail. I usually won't buy these, but his fins are evenly distributed and carried very well.




ty for fast reply. when a betta is a solid color, does that make it more rare? my absolute favorites are the bettas with white bodies and purple fins, what are those called? they seem to have a lot but most being sickly. i havent seen many of these online, is it because its not a desired color, and what are opaques and butterfly patterns? ive seen many dark/black bettas with a yellow tint. is that what you mean by chocolate? ty and sorry for the annoying questions :D :D
I forgot about purple. Yes, solid colors (without wash - means absolutely no sign of any other colors) are hard to come by. You mean pinkish bodies with reddish fins? I forgot about that combo. It's called 'cambodian'. Your lfs probably received a bad batch.
are combodians hard to come by? i know there are different variations of those too.
EX-AmP said:
are combodians hard to come by? i know there are different variations of those too.
Not exactly. If you have a Chinatown near you, just look for the aquariums there, I'm sure they have stock on those.

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