ok what i want. 2+ dwarf frogs, and some ghost shrimp to clean bottom, and a L260 plec. Will a beta fit in this as well? how does this ound for a betta as i have never kept one to be honest. Thanks for replies.
L260 -queen arabesque - stay under 4" but need a bigger tank than 10g and, as most Hypancistrus, they will need meaty foods & compete with the frogs.
They are ok with Bettas though.
edit: no comment on the pleco, not familiar with it at all, if it's a biggie, you'll probably be better off with a smaller algae eater. I'm fond of ottos, myself, although I've always wanted a cherry shrimp (who eat algae as well).
I had great luck keeping a betta in a 10g with 3 ADFs and some ghost shrimp. My only warning is rather simple, the ghost shrimps become quite brazen with very little competition, and will eat most food before the ADFs get a chance to eat, and the betta will sometimes become annoyed at their scuttling and randomly comit shrimp-icide. If I had to do it over again, I'd keep the betta and three ADFs and reduce the number of shrimp to something like three... that way, they'll still breed if the urge strikes (it will), they'll eat the scraps, and they'll feel inferior to the betta enough that they properly hide themselves when the betta shows up.
will betta go with adf's, shrimp, ect..I'm sorry, I don't understand the question.