New To Bettas Question On Way They Behave


New Member
Mar 29, 2006
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I have a male betta in my tank for approx 4 weeks. On sat last i went out and put one female in the tank with him, since she has gone into the tank the male seems to b guarding a pot that is used for the fish to hide in, i cant see to the top of the pot if he is trying to build a bubble nest but i seem to b loosing my female for days at a time.

Could it b that my fish are tyring to mate and would this have happened in such a short space of time from when i put the female in???

Please help as my male is changed his behavour.
Unless you plan on breeding (which takes lots of time, money and experience) NEVER put a male and a female together. The male WILL eventually kill the female!!! So you should immediatly remove the male or the female! The reason the female disapears for long periods of time is because shes hiding from the male!! So please remove one of them asap!!!!
Unless you plan on breeding (which takes lots of time, money and experience) NEVER put a male and a female together. The male WILL eventually kill the female!!! So you should immediatly remove the male or the female! The reason the female disapears for long periods of time is because shes hiding from the male!! So please remove one of them asap!!!!

Thats just typical of the local tropical fish shop.... Going to give the female to my m8.. Thanks for the advice.. going to b a shame though she is nice colour dont want to see her killed though :(
If you want some companions for your betta, pick up a couple small cories (pygmy, bronze, albino) or maybe a snail or an african dwarf frog. What size is your tank?

i got a 3 ft tank... with 1 x male Gouriami 1x sword tail 2 x clown loach 2 x Angles... also got 2 x very small bottom feeders look a little like a cat fish but small (not sure they name) 1 x Small pink fish that my girlfriend come home with.

As you can prob tell ive just started with tropical fish and is still all new to me.

Would a frog b happy in my tank i thought they need rocks out of the water?

Snail sounds a good idea.

What do corries look like are they a nice looking fish?
is your betta in that tank with all of those fish???
bettas are generally not compatible with angels or gouramis

personally i'd go and get him his own little tank, 2.5 to 5 US gallons, you can pick those up pretty cheap.
Cories are goregous little catfish; you should research them. Your 3 ft. tank is how many gallons? Clown loaches like to be in groups of 4+, but I don't think you have room for them... maybe you can trade them for coolie loaches instead. Swordtails like to be in a group of 5+ too. I'm with catxx on this one, I wouldn't be comfortable in having a betta be compatible with all the other fish you have. Sometimes it depends on the betta though.

African dwarf frogs are aquatic and are perfectly fine in a aquarium, but I've never kept them myself. Also post pictures of your 2 catfish and 1 pink fish; you really need to find out what you have and what their requirements are to make sure everyone is compatible. And this is a great forum --- there are plenty of people on here to help.
The 2 angels and gouramis seem happy with the betta theres no fin nippin off any of the fish...

Will get pic of the 2 catfish and the pink fish... Only wish i had this much info from my local tropical fish shop.
Have moved the pink fish that was pickin on the others...tank looking a lot better...just goto get me female out of the tank, the males dont bother with her which is a good thing :)
I don't see a picture of the corries, just the betta and pink fish. I don't know what the pink fish is -- maybe if you start a new thread to on ID'ing them, you'll get some responses. Good luck.
pink one looks like a platy I think. Why dont you just get a cheap tank to put your betta in he will be much happier! Angels will turn all of a sudden I have one that is a devil not an angel!
Unless there is air inside the cave thing, he won't be able to build a bubblenest in there. And even if he could, and they did spawn, once the babies hatch the other fish will eat them and/or the babies will drown because they won't be able to get to the water surface to gulp air.

I have a male betta in my tank for approx 4 weeks. On sat last i went out and put one female in the tank with him, since she has gone into the tank the male seems to b guarding a pot that is used for the fish to hide in, i cant see to the top of the pot if he is trying to build a bubble nest but i seem to b loosing my female for days at a time.

Could it b that my fish are tyring to mate and would this have happened in such a short space of time from when i put the female in???

Please help as my male is changed his behavour.
The pink fish is a colour morph of a tiger barb, which should be kept in groups of at least 5 and are extremely nippy.

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