New to Bettas; concerned about possible infection!


New Member
Sep 29, 2004
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Montreal, QC, Canada

I am new to bettas, I've had him 6 days now and he came from a petstore in montreal. I am concerned he may be infected, but I am not sure, it may just be his colouration/me panicking for nothing, so Im asking on here to see what you guys have to say...

I'll start by explaining that his natural coloration on head and body are very dark reddish/purplish/black, with a lovely black-spotted indigo blue dorsal fin but a bright red tail fin and anal fin. His anal fin has a beautiful blue streak in it, and traces of blue can be seen in the creases throughout parts of the tail and anal fins, including the very edges. He also has a bit of striping on his upper body etc.

He has had very tiny white puss/fluff looking spots come and go, always on his fins, never more than 2 spots max. anywhere at any time, and they never last more than 24 hours before dissapearing, and this has taken place it seems since I got him. The next day, I look and the "infected area" (if thats what it is), appears completely fine and free of any problem at all. My concern is that a similar spot appears in another location on the fins every day or 2. Presently there are none, 12 hours ago there were 2.

He also has a VERY thin dark edge to parts of his tail and anal fins, which is partly blue, and some black/brown in it as well. I am keeping him in a 2/3 gallon jar which I keep under a lamp so that its about 78-80 degrees (its a uv incandescent bulb for heat, and I have a plain white bulb for light in the day/evening which is off at night). there's also a little fake plant with silk leaves that he loves to sit on sometimes or hide under, and make bubbles as well.

He swims and is active, eats well, flares to his reflection and sometimes to my fingers/hands or my face if he's excited.

He gets 50-80% water changes every 2 days, and I cleaned the tank completely after 4 days because I found it getting too cloudy. He has been more active since this as well.

I have been adding a pinch of rock salt to the water I prepare when I replace from his changes etc. as alot of websites seem to say that this helps prevent infections/promotes healing and that this trace of salt doesnt bother the bettas.

So my questions are - 1) the white spots I've been seeing seem like a mild infection described on many fish sites, or is there some kind of regeneration/molting that takes place, cuz it almost looks like it could be something like that
2) the dark edge on his tail and anal fin is possibly a fin rot but its also got traces of blue in it, and looking at his dark body colourations and that the blue matches his dorsal, I am questioning if this is a rot or possibly just his natural pigmentation. (I notice from other threads that this celebrity betta Vega, RIP, had a dark pigment on his tail) so I dont want to start a stressful medication treatment for nothing. I have been monitoring it, and I cannot say at this point that the fins are getting shorter or that spines are showing or that the dark band is progressing. The anal and tail fins do however look a little limp and stringey, almost like limp streamer paper, but again I am not used to what bettas look like, having previously kept live bearers and small tetras etc. (over 8 years have passed since I last had any fish)
3) he occasionally (when he's playing around with me or every couple days I notice it randomly) squeezes through a tight gap between a 2 leaves or a leaf and a glass. Can such action be part of normal behaviour or is it always an indication of illness?

Me and Fabian both thank you for any advice you may have in advance!

ps sorry its so long, but I wanted to give you as much info as I could so you could provide your opinions. If you need further info, please dont hesitate!


EDIT sorry I forgot to mention hes a crown tail. at least I think thats the name. Its Montreal, the store was all in french, and the shelf he was on was called Couronne which is the french word for crown. anyways his anal and tail fin are both of similar length, about the same as his total body length. Thanx
I think he sounds ok. If you're keeping his water quality tip top,it could be that a fungus is trying it's best to attack him,but his superb health quickly fights it off. I say just stay on top of your water changes and feed him a wide variety of foods and he'll be just fine. Also the squeezing into tight spaces is nothing to worry about, that's kind of like a dog running around the coffee table. Just make sure he can't get stuck because a betta can indeed drown (a drowning fish? yup)

Salt is good, you may want to treat him with some bettamax as an extra precaution. It's an anti fungal/anti bacterial med but not a strong med and most bettas spend a lot of time in bettamax,it doesn't phase them. Just makes them healthier.

By the way,welcome to the forum :D

i cant really comment on much of it but i wanted to say that my friend's betta is always wriggling through whatever tight spaces he can find...he had a planted 8g tank but his favourite activity is wriggling between teh thermometer and the tank wall :rolleyes: i think he likes it. so that's probably nothing to worry about.
it sounds like he's got a bit of fungus, maybe just a reaction to new water/surroundings. if it gets worse you've got to find some fungal cure or it will kill him, but the way it sounds now he's fine.

i got all my Crowns from a store in Montreal, the Aqua Tropicale. fine fish, wish i could go back and get another =3
Thanks for all your answers, he's doing great, I have just been doing normal water changes and feedings he seems to be really enjoying himself.

Im glad u liked the fish from Aqua Tropicale, I have not been there for several years, but I used to get all my fish from there when I was growing up and had my warm freshwater tank. They all did pretty well :) Maybe I'll swing up there one day and see whats happnin in the betta dept. :shifty:

I concur with wuv. Especially since it (the white spots) come and go. I also recommend the salt and water changes. If the spots last more than a few days then I would become worried. Also, it doesn't sound like fin rot since he has other colors appearing through the edging.

Oh and :hi: to the forums! I hope you enjoy your stay and we see more of you around!
Knock on wood he's been free of any white spots for the last couple days. It seems, and I hope, that it was just a "getting adjusted" situation... I am also convinced now that the darker edge to his tail is just a pigment. Im still keeping an eye on it though.

Yesterday I changed his gravel for marbles from LPS. I had originally used a bright teal painted gravel that was starting to SHED flakes and tiny bits of paint after the last cleaning the night before... Normally I go for natural colours but I had chosen that gravel for some nice contrast against his reds and blues :) Anyways the marbles will be easier to clean and hes quite pleased... I'll post some pics soon.

Thanks for the warm welcome. Im glad I found this forum!
Which Montreal Store did you go to? Aquatropical? Aquarius? Nature? (Those are the big three that I know of, at anyrate... Safari was in the English area of MTL..)

If you purchased from Aquatropical, it is probably a fungus infection. Aquatropical off of Decarie, as well as off of Belange by Jean Talon are the only stores I know of that carry crowned tails.

if this is the case, bewary from purchasing from there. You fish will most likely be infected with something or other. They do not take very good care of their bettas at all. (I've rescued three from there so far, and they've all had some sort of issue or another.)

I concur with the others, it seems like a fungus attack that is being fended off by your fish. The Aquatropicale fish, while abused, do tend to come from very, very hearty lines.

Good luck.

I went to "Animal Expert" just east of downtown on De Maisonneuve to get my betta.

Ok, I know next to nothing about the genetics and the types of betta/finnage. He came from the shelf that was called Crown and I payed the crown price (a big fat 1$ more) , but I think, after checking out the different types, I'm 99% sure he's just a regular veil tail, which totally doesnt bother me, I didnt get him for breeding, just to have a cute pet since I'm allergic to cats and dogs & so far he's been very friendly :) I chose him based on his alertness and colours :p

re. your comments on aqua tropicale, I agree 100% - I have had a few bad experiences with them... Haven't been to visit them in several years though so I don't know whats up these days.

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