Hi all!
I still haven't got a tank but it looks like it would be a relatively small one. Min. 30 to max. 90 liters I guess.
After reading eventually this Brackish FAQ,
my suggested list so far is this:
- Malayan trumpet snail (Melanoides tuberculata)
- Java fern
My guess is to first insert the Java fern and then the snails.
After a week or two, I would like to add some shrimps. But here I am not sure about the right species.
About the Amano shrimps, I read that the adults wouldn't survive in brackish water, others say they would.
Many online stores don't specify exactly if brackish or freshwater and for many shrimps it depends exactly of the species or subspecies if they do brackish or not. How can I avoid trial and error also bearing in mind that many shops won't exactly be knowing what species it is? The sometimes sell only "Name spec.".
If I would really go for a larger tank, I maybe would try to get a
- South Asian horseshoe crab (Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda)
Does anyone know other small invertebrates that could fit into a small brackish tank? Temperatures should range from 18 to 28 °C with an average temp of 22 to 24 °C, so I could omit a heater.
And finally, how will the tank be cycled or balanced if there are no fish in, only snails and another invertebrate species?
I still haven't got a tank but it looks like it would be a relatively small one. Min. 30 to max. 90 liters I guess.
After reading eventually this Brackish FAQ,
my suggested list so far is this:
- Malayan trumpet snail (Melanoides tuberculata)
- Java fern
My guess is to first insert the Java fern and then the snails.
After a week or two, I would like to add some shrimps. But here I am not sure about the right species.
About the Amano shrimps, I read that the adults wouldn't survive in brackish water, others say they would.
Many online stores don't specify exactly if brackish or freshwater and for many shrimps it depends exactly of the species or subspecies if they do brackish or not. How can I avoid trial and error also bearing in mind that many shops won't exactly be knowing what species it is? The sometimes sell only "Name spec.".
If I would really go for a larger tank, I maybe would try to get a
- South Asian horseshoe crab (Carcinoscorpius rotundicauda)
Does anyone know other small invertebrates that could fit into a small brackish tank? Temperatures should range from 18 to 28 °C with an average temp of 22 to 24 °C, so I could omit a heater.
And finally, how will the tank be cycled or balanced if there are no fish in, only snails and another invertebrate species?