New Tiger Barbs !


Fish Crazy
Dec 7, 2006
Reaction score
Ayr, Scotland
I purchased 2 new tiger barbs about 4 weeks ago to add to my current 4 who are about 3-4 times larger than the new ones .

Its all been ok until now, they have both been hanging around at the surface of the tank, one more than the other and i thought this may be the start of some swin bladder troubles so i cranked the heat up slowly throughout the day !

Now the heat of the tank varies slightly from just below 28oC up to just under 30oC when the central heating gets put on in the evening for a while !

Could this temp rise cause any further troubles ? and is this too hot for them ?

They are eating normally and i even gave them some peas cut up a bit to "clear them out" !

If any of you guys can help then that would be great as 2 of my previous tigers have acted similarly to this and they ended up doing the usual upside down swim/blown around by the current thing that they do when there Swim bladders gone !

All my water parameters are the same as they have always been ! just incase you are wondering !

Thanks in advance


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