New Tiger Barbs


New Member
Apr 15, 2006
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I have just gotten 4 tiger barbs from the store yesterday. I've heard that I should have no less than 6 and even better with eight or more. Well, I also heard that these barbs shoal in groups of 3 and don't really group in a single dominant group. They are in a 20 gallon tank with minnows and guppies (they don't really bother them so much).

If anyone can clear this up, it would be great. ;)

Another question, what do tiger barbs eat? Will flakes and vegetables do?
any odd number 3 or more would be good so add one. yess they do eat flakes with a brine shrimp or blood worm meal once or twice a week. its good that there not bothering your other fish because they are uselly very nippy twords fish with long lowing fins like your guppies
I have just gotten 4 tiger barbs from the store yesterday. I've heard that I should have no less than 6 and even better with eight or more. Well, I also heard that these barbs shoal in groups of 3 and don't really group in a single dominant group. They are in a 20 gallon tank with minnows and guppies (they don't really bother them so much).

If anyone can clear this up, it would be great. ;)

Another question, what do tiger barbs eat? Will flakes and vegetables do?

I have 3 tiger barbs with a rainbow shark. The shark is the only one who's aggressive. My tiger barbs will eat flakes but they also like algae pellets.

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