New Tiger Barb Set Up.


New Member
Nov 9, 2005
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Hello, I currently have 3 tanks that are full of peaceful community fish. But I just got my hands on a 38 gallon tank(36x12x20) and am thinking of a barb tank with maybe a firemouth or two. Do you have any suggestions on a good stocking. I was thinking the following.

1-2 Firemouth Cichlids
10-14 tiger barbs(regular and gold/albino)
3-4 yoyo loaches or a smaller loach of some type.

what do you think any suggestions would be great.
Hmm, looks ok to me. The tiger barbs can be quite aggressive, and will be nipping at fins. Keep an eye on them.
Hello, I currently have 3 tanks that are full of peaceful community fish. But I just got my hands on a 38 gallon tank(36x12x20) and am thinking of a barb tank with maybe a firemouth or two. Do you have any suggestions on a good stocking. I was thinking the following.

1-2 Firemouth Cichlids
10-14 tiger barbs(regular and gold/albino)
3-4 yoyo loaches or a smaller loach of some type.

what do you think any suggestions would be great.
That should work out just fine. Go with a pair of firemouths if you can... much more interesting and natural behavior. My only other comment is that you might want a couple more loaches (5-6).

Good luck! :thumbs:
Hopefully the Barbs in that number will be sufficiently busy posing to each other and chivvying each other to ignore every other fish in the tank. I had read that 8+ is a good number of Barbs for them to occupy themselves with each other and not bug every other fish in the tank. Sounds like a great setup. Pictures later? :)
I've read when they're in great numbers, maybe what you have (not sure though), they can gang up on other fish, instead of just playing with eachother. I can't find where I read it though, I'll keep looking for you.
I'd definitely reccomend that setup with the firemouths and barbs as an interesting one. ive got a similar number of tiger barbs in with a pair of firemouths in a 55 - the barbs ignore the firemouths and vice versa but theres always something to watch going on. No yoyo's but have 3 small clown loach and a couple of kuhlis (temporary resident convict munched the 3rd kuhli :() and the barbs ignore them too - sometimes the clowns try to shoal with the barbs but never any aggression. The barbs pretty much keep their antics between themselves

the only time the barbs ever seem to pay any attention is when anything new is added to the tank - they all tend to crowd around a bit. However i suspect they are usually just checking if its anything edible.

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