New Ten Gallon Tank


New Member
Sep 16, 2012
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I just a tank from a family member today and was wondering what would be a good fish or fishes for it? I was thinking about getting a pair of convict cichlids but i dont know but any suggestions would be appreciated
First off I would suggest starting a fishless cycle, you can find info in my sig below on how to do that. While your waiting for your tank to cycle you will have time to research what fish you want.
No convicts or any other big cichlids. That would be WAY overstocking. :) One convict should be in a 40 gallon MINIMUM and 50 gallons for a pair.

You can get 2-3 german rams cichlids. They are only about 2 inches max.

Or you can get:
-one betta
-6 or even 12 cherry shrimp (don't worry, they're tiny)

4 platies

One molly. I'd do no more than one. You can get a molly and some other one inch big fish IF they can withstand aquarium salt. Mollies are brackish water. Meaning they are half saltwater half fresh.

Something different you can get could be a crayfish. They keep to themselves (SOMETIMES). But some should be housed alone.

SOMETHING NOT to get is a goldfish. NEVER EVER get one. For instance, a comet goldfish needs to be in a 55 gallon alone. A fancy goldfsih should be housed in a 30 gallon MINIMUM. Just don't get goldfish. Take my word for it. They're a hassle, they need LARGE tanks, and they need a strong filter. :shout:

REMEMBER: CYCLE your tank fish and TEST your water!

As for cycling, I recommend the fishless cycle. Since that is the safest way in my opinion.
2-3 german rams wouldn't do good in a 10 gallon, a pair or harem needs 20 gallons at least, to feel comfortable
im aware of the cycling process just undecided what to do with the tank as in what to stock it with?
If I were you I would try to find a really cool betta. Not many fish can live comfortably in a 10 gallon, I'm afraid. You could probably do a small shoal of micro rasboras or something that stays super small.

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