AndrewRenard said:
(i have a 32 gallon aquarium)
5 Albino Aeneus Corydoras Catfish
10 Neon Tetras
5 Head N' Tail Light Tetras
1 Silver Dollar*(?)
3 Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami
Tell me how that sounds, all suggestions welcome
I think it sounds like the basic of a great tank!
For some reason, fish don't seem to be able to school properly in groups under 6 (my theory is that fish can only count up to 5: 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... Many!) so get another cory to complete your school. Likewise, get another head-and-tail-light tetra.
I don't think the silver dollar would be great in there, personally. Aren't they schooling fish too?
I know what the books say about gouramis, but my experience is that 3 is a crowd, and dwarf gouramis are particulaly aggressive, so I suggest you get a mated pair instead. Alternatives would be pearl gouramis (a little bigger, if that was the reason you wanted the silver dollar) or honey gouramis. I'm biased in favour of the pearls because my male is particularly spectacular
Personally, I just don't think a tank is complete without a dwarf plec in there somewhere, so I'd definitely add a bristlenose. Supposedly, they eat algae, but presumably mine never gets hungry enough for that! If space is a problem, females are smaller (3.5 inches).
In total you have a tank with plenty of colour, lots of different behaviours (making up the schools to 6s helps this too) and something happening at every level. If neons are a little difficult to obtain, consider cardinal tetras instead. Similar colours, but slightly hardier and immune to Neon Tetra Disease. Don't forget - you'd need plenty of plants in there and some bogwood, particularly if you do get a plec (although all the catfish appreciate wood).
If you haven't already set up the filtration, consider that gouramis won't breed unless their water is relatively still. Also, under-gravel filtration isn't so good if you have live plants. Corys enjoy swimming up bubble-walls, apparently.