new tank?


New Member
Aug 16, 2003
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0 thinking about starting up a tropical tank but i dont know what fish to have......................i want something quite easy to look after so they have to be hardy because if they died straight away from a newbie mistake then id be gutted. any help would be appreciated
i would say go to ur lfs and ask them what kind of fish u can have. so u can tell the plants and other stuff u have in ur tank so u would get a fish that would diffently work out.
Hey in my 40 Gallon community tank I have these inhabitants:

4 Gouramis (2 Blue, 2 Gold)
4 Tiger Barbs
1 Rubbernose Pleco
1 Golden Chinese Algae Eater

Before you Buy anything read about fish...i.e. go to your local library and borrow a book about owning fish read it then make decisions then ask questions here. For a begginer I reccoment 2 corys, 1 betta (male) 1 betta (female) and either 6 danios or 6 neons. These are really easy to keep. Read about them hopefully u will like fish. ;)
If you do decide on a betta, don't get two male or one male and one female, they will kill each other, too risky for beginners. Yes, learn about the fish, if you don't know where to start looking up, try going to the pet store, take a long good look at the fishes, choose what interest you, write the name down and how big they get, go home, and do research on the net or ask us on the forum.

Of course, before you do ANYTHING, please cycle your tank for awhile. Also Slowly add fish. Do not add many fish at once. Dont forget the water test kit which is very important!
Ditto to what Lip has told you.

Betta are Siamese Fighting Fish, They will kill each other. They might not do it at first, but after she creates a egg pocket and delivers the eggs the male will slowly kill her off. :(

Lip has a good idea about writing the names down then coming back here or researching on the net. The net is filled with countless of information and it is VERY useful in the fish hobby.

Cycling is very important. some people will mention to you that oh this fish is GREAT to cycle your tank and 50/50 that fish will either die, or go through enough stress to not show it's full potential after the cycle is done.

Add fish slowly is another important factor, if you add 7-8 fish at once it would add way to much stress on some of the fish and they will die off slowly. (I did that mistake a while ago, before I learned)

Just take it slow, be patient, and enjoy what you are doing. You will enjoy the outcome!

Good Luck!
start off with white cloud mountains, i had 4 to start my cycle with in my Hagen Tropiqurium 88 and still here to tell the tale,

best advice is start off slowly adding max of 4 four fsih until ammonnia and nitrite levels are zero and then add a couple more and wait for the filter to mature.

fish shops are sooooo tempting to buy everthing on the shelf but be strict with yourself.

welcome to the world of fishkeeping this is where all the fun starts.
hiya!! thanks for all your tank has finished cycling now and is ready to just not sure what to have, i want a community set up with some colour in doing some research at the moment but info from you ppl would be of more use than anything else i think, im grateful for all your ideas
i would get a schooling fish if you want color and coolness...there are many different types...some are a close knit group...some kinda hang out and shoal...I have a school of harliquin rasboras that are great....(start slow but get about 15 total...add 3 a week and you should be fine) or some tetras are cool good luck :D

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