New Tank

jordan barnhart

Fish Crazy
Jun 8, 2004
Reaction score
Nashville, Tennessee - USA
Hey everyone. A few of you know that I am making a new web-site. I have all my junk on DIY there and making a journal of my new 75 gallon planted tank. Everything on this tank is DIY just about and I am showing you step by step where my project is going. No complete but I thought I could share with you what I've got up now. :) Should be complete by Christmas.

Good site :cool:

BUT, you have to resize those jpg's...the original ones. Simply resizing in frontpage or whatever doesn't lower the kb value.
Nicely done stand, cant wait till you finish it. BTW, you should make some schematics... :D
I will have all schematics on my site once I get the rest of my supplies in. I just ordered my eheim 2217 and got my eco-complete. I should do some site updates as my stand has been stained, finished, and my canopy needs waterproofing. I need to start picking out plants. I have to wait until January though because I will be traveling for 2 weeks for christmas and visiting relatives in Oklahoma.

The only thing I am lacking is compressed co2 with pH controller. Not necessary but I want it. Only need 250$.
>>> you have to resize those jpg's

Amen! It takes an eternity to download the pages, I gave up after a while, and I have a 512kb link.

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