new tank


Fish Addict
Jun 2, 2003
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ive just made enuff money to get a new tank :hyper:

am i better off getting a used 1 or a brand spanking new 1?

and should i put the fish i have in my old tank in after 10-12 days or shall i wait the full 4 weeks for the cycle to finish???

Tek :fish:
imo introducing the fish slowly is ok and will speed up the cycle as the bacteria that you have in the tank will get built up in the filter quicker. but then there are those who will tell you not to and do all fishless cycle as the nitr*tes spike and hurt the fish. thing is tho they wont spike if the cycle is a slow one the problems start when you introduce a whole tank in one allmighty thud. best when ever you choose to add the fish not to add too many at once. as for wether to buy a new tank or a second hand one it depends on the price if your buying a big second hand one then sometimes people give you a real good deal but on the smaller ones there is not allot of a price difference i like to make shure that things are half the price of new if i am buying second hand. if yopu choose to get one make shure the seals are ok on all the edges. often the glass will chip on the corners and this could cut people so watch out for this too. look out for scratches they can decrease the integraty of the tank. many of the problems can be fixed with some aquarium sealant and some patients but i would say that it is up to you good luck what ever you choose to do and happy fish keeping.
Jamnog had some great advice on the used do have to be careful
as far as starting a new tank I would get a few, 3 or 4, hardy fish. Platies,swords,and danios are real good to go with or even better get some feeder goldfish and cycle your new tank that way
Depending on the size of the tank you may have to wait longer that 4 weeks for it to get totally cycled


thanx for the good advice guys......cant wait to get the bigger tank n see the fishies i got now swimmin around with loads of room to play in :D

awwwww i love fishies 100% addicted to them and i only went out to get a couple of goldies hahahaha

Tek :fish:
If you already have a tank running and it has cycled, I know you can use gravel and water and filter media to "seed" the new tank with the nitrifying bacteria. Maybe one of the mods can direct you to a thread that explains that process -- it will really decrease your cycling time. :nod:

I agree -- the hobby is very addicting. I guess I am lucky I don't have better fish stores around here or I'd bankrupt myself! :rolleyes:
:D Hi teknix you can use some water from your old tank to speed up the process and if you buy second hand a realy strong solution of marine salt will sterlise the tank. I used it in my hospital tank that had been stuck in out outhouse for years and it worked fine.
As far as seeding a new tank goes its real easy. Do a water change on the exsiting tank so that you can get about 50% of the water the new one is going to hold or 50% of the capacity of the established tank. You dont want to risk send the old tank in to a cycle by taking more than 50% out. Also use some of the gravel from your old tank, It contains a lot of good bateria and it will help start.

What I do when I start a new tank, is I take part of the sponge filter from one of my tanks and put it in the new one. I have an aqua clear filter and all I do is cut the sponges in half before placing them in the filter. Then when I need media I just grab one half of the filter and instant bateria.



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