New tank


New Member
Jul 4, 2004
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Hi everyone,

I,ve recently set up a second hand tank that i got from a friend, it's been running now for two weeks, no fish in it yet. Tonight i noticed quite a few worm like creatures wriggling about in the sand, there only tiny about half a centimeter in length. Has anyone got any ideas on what they could be. Never seen anything like them before.
hmmm ... did u get your sand from the beach, or from a fish shop. maybe if u added something to your tank from outside...such as a piece of wood or a rock or the sand, a critter of some kind could have came along with it... :/ :huh:
The sand came with the tank and it was from a pet shop. The only thing i can think of is they also gave me a peice of driftwood that they kept in a bucket of water outside to stop it from drying out. could that be the culprit.
Are they white? They are most likely a form of planaria and are harmless to fish but they usually indicate a problem with an overabundance of food matter. Are using the gravel that came with the tank?
Are they white? White worms of sizes like that is usually planaria.

If it is, all that is needed to get rid of it is to feed less, and vaccum the gravel well.

Apparently my freind who gave me the tank and the log has found loads in the bucket she stored the log in, she seems to think they might be mosquito larvae, could this be possible and if so will the fish eat them when there introduced to the tank.

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