New Tank


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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Today, I received the free 65 gallon tank my neighbor found for me. Slightly disappointed, I found out it's tall (36Lx15Wx28H), which I know reduces my amount of fish.

Here are my questions about the tank:

How many inches of fish can I have in this tank?

What fish will NOT be able to handle a deeper tank like this?

Do I need to make any special considerations for a filter (i.e. a longer intake tube?)? And do i have to have extra aereation?

What plants do you recommend for a deep tank?

Are there any fish that would do REALLY WELL in a deep tank?
How many inches of fish can I have in this tank?

Depends on the fish. One larger sized one or dozens of smaller ones.

What fish will NOT be able to handle a deeper tank like this?

Mostly I would say bottom dwellers who go up for air on occasion or like to go to the surface. Most Cories like to take quick trips to the surface to gulp air to aide in digestion for instance.

Do I need to make any special considerations for a filter (i.e. a longer intake tube?)? And do i have to have extra aereation?

Yes, a longer tube would help get more stagnant water from the bottom moving and filtered. I would also suggest some kind of powerhead down there to circulate water, depending on just how deep it is.

What plants do you recommend for a deep tank?

I have found most plants you'll find can easily accomodate deep tanks. I have Dwarf Lily and Aponogenton that both are outgrowing my 30 gallon standard (18" high) and there are other plants which grow even taller like Amazon Swords.

Are there any fish that would do REALLY WELL in a deep tank?

Right off Angels come to mind. The size is perfect for a pair or trio of them and they like deeper tanks because their bodies are abnormally taller than long. There are others but I'm too tired to think of them.
I have a tall 30-Gallon and I kick myself on a daily basis for buying it without researching first. :dunno: But hey - you're tank is free - so I'm sure you won't complain too much! The price was right! :p

Just to give you an idea of what i have in my tank, which is more than 1/2 the size of yours, I've got fish that cover most of all 3 sections (top, mid and bottom) See my signature for what I've got.

As for the filter, I have a Whisper 40, and I just added the extra extension on the inlet tube and my waters never had a problem.
:thumbs: I'd really like some cories. What's the deepest you think they could handle? It would probably be about 20-24 inches from the bottom of the tank to the top of the water.

I've been wondering if angels would be a good choice for me tank...what kind of tankmates are suitable?

thanks for the help :thumbs:
O.k....good.... :D :D :D

Do you find that your different types of cories shoal together, or do they stick to their "own kind"? I'd like to have albinos, pandas, and peppered. I was just curious if I would have to stick to one kind to make sure they would "stick together" so to speak.
It's really kind of hard to say. During "waking" hours of the tank, the albinos and the bronze seem to intermix together...but when it comes to resting - I usually find the albinos lumped together somewhere and the bronze cories lumped together somewhere else. In fact this morning, I woke up - went to turn the light on and found all three Bronze Cories stacked on top of each other, LOL. I've never seen that happen - wish I would have grabbed the camera before I turned the light on and woke everyone up!
20-24" should be no problem for the Cories or most other fish. If it was twice that, say 40" you might have a problem but 24" shouldn't be. Mine is 18" tall (though not a tall tank) and I have two of those you mentioned, Albino and Peppered and they get along fine. They aren't usually shoaling together at all though at night might be a different story.
Well, I remember that I'll be moving some fish from my ten gallon, and most are bottom dwellers (a banjo catfish, white-cheeked goby, two dwarf frogs and a yo-yo loach). Would a group of cories (5 or 6) make the bottom too crowded?

You all are so helpful...thanks.
Depends. What's the size of the tank? Length and width? Being a tall tank it'll have less ground space than a long tank or even a average length/height tank. I would say it'll be alright if you have plenty of hiding places.
The tanks measurements are 36 inches long, 15 inches wide, 28 inches high.

I know everyone needs their personal space. :lol:
I'd say it's enough. I have 11 Cory in a 30" long by 12" wide tank and I have room for more in there. The fish and frogs you already have don't get very large and AFAIK, aren't aggressively territorial towards other fish.
Well, here is the initial stocking plan for the tank (36x15x28)

Fish definately going in the tank:

1 molly
1 banjo catfish
1 yo-yo loach
1 white-cheeked goby
2 ADF's
1 American Flagfish

Possible Fish:
2-4 angels
2 dwarf cichlids (rams, kribs, or something similar)
5-6 cories
1-3 gouramis
3-5 more livebearers
4-5 ottos
6-8 tiger barbs (only if I do not get the angels or gourami)
5-6 danios
Clown Loaches

I know I couldn't have all of these fish, but suggestions and guidance is greatly appreciated (or any other fish you think I might enjoy)
Right off I can say the Tiger Barbs are fin nippers and will attack anything with any finnage so don't plan on them with Angels or anything with flowing fins.

The Gouramis can be aggressive though this is more like the Barbs with fish that have long fins. They see these as competition for whatever reason. They should go alright with most of the other fish though this depends on the species and aggression of the fish itself.

The Clown Loaches are out. They by themselves need a 75 gallon tank and be in a group of 3 or more.

The rest look alright to me.

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