New Tank


Fish Fanatic
Jul 25, 2006
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I got a 30g tank last night, not terribly sure what I want to put in it, but it did come with 2 plecs ( I think) and 3 eel type things, can someone confirm what exactly these fish are? 2 plecs (1 about 4inch, 1 about 8inch). The eel like things are around 3" long.





It only came with a Fluval 2 filter and I don't really think this is enough for a 30g (Us) tank, especially when it had been out of water for a couple of hours, so I have a mature, fully cycled, Fluval 2 filter that's in too, will this be enough for it?

I'm not too keen on the little eel things and may get rid of them but i like the plecs, what do they feed on?

What would you do with this tank as I have no real plans for it,
the plec im not sure bout, but the eels look like Siamese Algae Eaters =/

feed them on algae wafers!

you could do a lovely community tank ;)
The plecos are commons, the eel like fish are Chinese Algae Eaters, get very mean as they grow
Oh man I can't stand CAE they are awful they get 8" become mean and will bother your other fish even suck on them. Had some in my first tank back 10 years ago. The stupid things swam full speed from the bottem smacked so had into the cover it died.

They only eat algea when they are small.
Oh man I can't stand CAE they are awful they get 8" become mean and will bother your other fish even suck on them. Had some in my first tank back 10 years ago. The stupid things swam full speed from the bottem smacked so had into the cover it died.

They only eat algea when they are small.

yeah they seem a bit daft, I can't see the appealing side to them. Like the Plec he's kind of crazy thermometer came off the side the tank and he swam around holding onto it. Going to see if LFS will take them.

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