new tank


Fish Fanatic
Dec 15, 2003
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hiya peeps just got a new tank its 4ft long 18 high 200g
im gunna put an albino plec in it and a red tailed black shark anyone know what else would be gd
200g tank? Damn i wish i had one of those
but you have alot of choices if it is that big, figure out what you like and do some research or ask around to see what else people have in a tank of that size so you get an idea of what is suitable for such a tank.

Silver dollars get large and probably could be kept in a large tank such as that, larger types of cat fish and other large sharks, clown loaches require a large tank and could be put in there
200g huh how wide is it ? ... my tank is 4ftlong and 18in high and 18in wide and it is 67g u.s.
ooooooo clown loaches hmmm sound gd to me :p
i dunno how wide it is but its as wide as me arm from fingers to sholder
are u sure u dont mean 200ltrs?

from shoulder to finger tip is roughly 15.... might be a bit bigger..

if u dont mind me askin how much did the tank cost?

hope u got a good deal..
Get a measuring tape and measure it, maybe it's 200 litres still pretty big though :p
Have to agree on the liters thing....200 gal should be A BIT larger! I have a 300 GALLON and its about 8 feet long, 2 feet wide and about 4 feet tall...without stand...its yeah...i'm thinkin you are thinknig liters. And kudos on the water! That is a good thing to add most of the time!
Well, my first advice to you would not to get a redtailed shark as they get relatively large and get more aggresive as they get bigger. Also, the pl*co is gonna be a waste factory! So maybe thing about getting a smaller, perhaps dwarf species of pl*co like bristlenose or something! They come in so many variety of colors it amazing! You could replace the redtailed shark with some SAE(Siamese Algae Eaters), they are great, remain peaceful as they grow, and are wicked when it comes to cleaning up the algae! Only down side is that its a pain to find the real SAE's, most pet stores mislabel fish as SAE's. If you know what you are looking for though it is very rewarding. Mainly look for the horizontal lateral line that extends into the fork of the caudual fin. Also they only have one set of barbels instead of two like most other algae eaters. Next i would get some tetras. Serpae, Broken Stripe, Congo, and Black Skirts are some of my fav. Add spice and color to any tank. Scissortail Rasboras are another awesome option if you like the 'clear' fish look. Experiment with various species. Gouramis are an excellent community fish, although get more than one because if there is only one they will become aggresive and pick on some of the other fish. Either get several of the same type or mix it up! If you want some odd ball fish get some glass cats. They are beautiful, amazingl, and in a catagory all their own! They stay relatively small and peaceful as well! Thats just a few options...there are, of course, hunders of thousands of possibilities out there so research and explore! Enjoy!
Have to agree on the liters thing....200 gal should be A BIT larger! I have a 300 GALLON and its about 8 feet long, 2 feet wide and about 4 feet tall...without stand...its beefy

can u send a picture of that tank?....What do u have in it
Well, will be a bit hard to send pictures of the 300 gal since it is in Nebraska and i am in Washington. Its mostly my parents tank but they only seem partially interested in it since it takes so much time to clean it and such. I want to take over it but they haven't let me. Right now he has convicts(hear the spite in my voice),oscars, a pike cichlid, some severum, firemouths, and two 24 inch common pl* yeah. Rather boring. Frustrates me because i am like the only one that takes care of it so when i am gone the water quality goes down hill hardcore. Like the fish swim and you can see the muck get stired up...makes me very frustrated. Once i'm outa college that tank is gonna be TIGHT!

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