If you want a healthy tank and dont want to go through all that other crap do this:
Buy cured live rock, live sand, and use Reverse Osmosis water(purified Drinking water- no floride, clorine, ect...) 2 cups salt per 5 gallons of water, mix it out side of the tank in a bucket. Dont waiste any time getting home with your live rock, even though it is cured it will still have living matter in it. Start off with just a few fish, some snails and hermitts, a green emerald crab or sally light foot. If the store has a constant drip feeding the tanks(salt water tanks), ask them if you can take some of their water, this will give you a jump start on getting a balance, if not, see if they can give you a used filter out of one of their tanks(not a dry filter, something pulled fresh from a tank) Put the filter in your tank and leave it there for 2 weeks. Now at the bottom of the stores live rock tank you will also see a brownish sandy slimy crap, get a cup of that and dump it in your tank, it contains lost of good organism, plantlife, baby corals and very small britlle stars that you cant see yet. Use a skimmer and one macanical filter, 4 or 5 power heads placed about the tank and your done. (oh, dont forget a good light and keep your water temp at 74F, your salt content should read between 1.018 and 1.020 sailinity ppt., but close if fine.)