New tank


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2004
Reaction score
Sunderland. North East of England
:) HI all hoping someone can clarify something for me.......I am expecting delivery of my new tank at the weekend, have read lots of articles and advice on setting it up, all i want is a fot, for now!! i was speaking with the guy making the tank for me and he has said i need all uncured live rock to cycle the tank about £200, then theres articles that say for fot i should just use lava rock and allow filters to mature on their own maybe adding 2 green chromis. I am now at the stage where i have all equipment ready for tank but am frightened to actually go forward for fear of making a mistake and killing any life forms(whatever they may be) any help would be appreciated.
If you want a healthy tank and dont want to go through all that other crap do this:
Buy cured live rock, live sand, and use Reverse Osmosis water(purified Drinking water- no floride, clorine, ect...) 2 cups salt per 5 gallons of water, mix it out side of the tank in a bucket. Dont waiste any time getting home with your live rock, even though it is cured it will still have living matter in it. Start off with just a few fish, some snails and hermitts, a green emerald crab or sally light foot. If the store has a constant drip feeding the tanks(salt water tanks), ask them if you can take some of their water, this will give you a jump start on getting a balance, if not, see if they can give you a used filter out of one of their tanks(not a dry filter, something pulled fresh from a tank) Put the filter in your tank and leave it there for 2 weeks. Now at the bottom of the stores live rock tank you will also see a brownish sandy slimy crap, get a cup of that and dump it in your tank, it contains lost of good organism, plantlife, baby corals and very small britlle stars that you cant see yet. Use a skimmer and one macanical filter, 4 or 5 power heads placed about the tank and your done. (oh, dont forget a good light and keep your water temp at 74F, your salt content should read between 1.018 and 1.020 sailinity ppt., but close if fine.)
I'd say that the S.G. should be a little higher at around 0.026. anything between 0.024-26 is fine but 18-20 is a little low. also, I would go for uncured as it will produce ammonia etc which will mature your tank better and often will result in more of the life on the rock living as you will not have the tank crammed full of the stuff and you will have a good filter so it should cure faster. a cup of crap out of the live rock tank is a great idea. I did this with my fuge. it may be a better idea also, to get the tank up and running for about week to check for leaks etc and get the water up to temperature so that it's ready for when you get the rock. you definatly need to use RO water. I'd advise getting your own unit as it camn be a pain going to the lfs every week with a 5 gallon bucket to get some. if you do get a unit. aquamedic do a great one for only £95 which is a 3 pod (sediment, carbon and membrane). the benafit of live sand is limited. I'd be tempted to go for a fine covering of coral sand/gravel or if you wanted, aragonite.

good luck with the tank :thumbs:

ste :)

btw, if you do get uncured rock, get a litre of LIVE phytoplankton and dump the lot in as this will take up a lot of nitrates and cure it faster without the smell. It must be live though.
:D Thanks guys great straight forward advice......only on prob i can forsee mlf is a bit funny when it comes to getting things like filters from their tanks and things out of tanks(even if you are prepared to pay for them) but will give it a go. The creatures you mention living in the brown kunk, will they stay in there and grow or will they die of when fish are added?

Again many thanks


btw, two cups of salt +/- was a surprise i always got the impression it was more, and am looking round for R/O unit.
it will vary from salt to salt. it should say on the packet. most of the critters will survive but the fish will eat some of them.

ste :)

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