New Tank


New Member
Jul 26, 2008
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I have a new tank that has a length of 28.5 cm, width 25 cm and height 39.5 cm. The box that I brought it with did not specify the no. of litres/gallons it could hold... So, I'm having trouble determining what sort of filter I should be using. :blink:

Next, after I got everything and finish my cycling, I need some advice on what sort of fish and the numbers I should get.

Thanks in advance!
You can use the "Aquarium Calculator" up at the top right of the web forum page for volume calculations.

Since fishless cycling takes an average of 4 to 6 weeks, you will have plenty of time to discuss your stocking. Have you figured out where to get a pure type of household ammonia for your cycling? Also have you figured out which freshwater liquid-reagent based test kit you'll be getting?

The pinned articles at the top of the forum have loads of information on all this. I particularly like the ones under Beginners Resource Center for starters.

It would be around 7 US gallons. You would be limited to small fish with that tank. Some fish that would be good for such a tank would be, Guppies, Cherry Barbs, Betta, Honey Gouramis, White cloud minnows, or neon tetras. These are just some suggestions. There are limits to how many fish you can put n there, but once you have choosen some fish you like then we can talk about stocking numbers.
might i add cherry shrimp or a dwarf puffer :blush:

DF's are like little puppy dogs underwater
Thanks for your replies regarding the types of fish I should get. Will consider all of them. :good:

However, now, my primary concern is what I should get. Should I get a heater, as I live in an equatorial climate? What type of filter would work best in such a tank? What about substrate? Sand or Gravel?
personally I would set it up with sand (I like sand based tanks) and have a dwarf puffer after cycling

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