new tank


Jan 30, 2004
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i picked up a tank im not surewhat it is but its around 100g and i want some oddball cichlid type fish what do u suggest
a 100 gallon is around 4x2x2 size, just post the size and I'll work it out. as for suggestions, there are hundreds of possable fish. have you kept oddballs before? I suggest you have a look in your lfs and other shops and maybe in books but what may be in a book may not be available so have a look around and post suggestions here.

ste :)
i picked it up with stand for 60 dollars
i was thinking sand and my cousin live on lake erie and im gonna go to his house and collect a ton of drift wood and rocks
i was thinking maybe a fire mouth or yello electric and blue electric with some nice plecos what do u suggest
Those arent oddballs, the firemouth is a central american cichlid and the others are african cichlids, the two dont mix well :no: If you go with african cichlids then it is best to stick with only african cichlids as they are very aggressive and other fish will be killed easily.
Personally, I wouldn't use anything collected from Lake Erie. Having grown up in Western NY, I know how polluted the water is. Unless you plan on doing some serious scrubbing/detox. to it. IMO, it's just not worth the risk.

Good luck with the new tank.
carve some wood (like with a dremel and a draw knife) and weight it down and you wil be fine. for info on how to carve wood realisticly go to gardenwebs bonsai forum they do it all the time.


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