New Tank


Fish Crazy
Nov 13, 2003
Reaction score
Belleville NJ
when i moved to my fathers house i discovered that i do not have enough room for a 75 gallon tank. I do however have enough room for a 90 gallon tank (weird i know but the tank dimensions are different). I want to make it a chichlid tank. Me and my father love cichlids. Heres the problem. He likes Tiger Oscars and i like Convicts. I have a convict already so hes definatly in the new tank. Will he get along with a tiger oscar? Im thinking Black Sand for substrate, 2 Emperor 400's, a 200 watt heater and an air stone. I also like African Cichlids, and Green Terrors. Will the Emperors keep the tank clear??

Definatly in the tank are:
1 Convict cichlid
2 Channel Catfish
2 Albino Channel Catfish
4 Clown Loaches

Want to add:
1 Tiger Oscar
2 Green Terrors
2 Firemouth Cichlids
2 Jack Dempseys
1 Green Texas Cichlid
1 Electric Blue African Cichlid
1 Electric Yellow African Cichlid
1 Buttikoferi Cichlid

Will these fish get along in sich a large tank with MANY decorations, caves and places to hide and places for them to get territory...
to be honest that tank isnt big enough for all those fish especially a full grown tiger oscar... he basically needs a 75g all on his own you work out the maths...

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