New Tank

Captain Birds Eye

New Member
Jan 16, 2007
Reaction score
Gloucestershire u.k.
Hello All,

Was wondering when and which are the best algae eaters for my tank....1 metre x .3 metres...120 litres

Put my first fish in tank on last sunday and have 2 gold wag swordtails ,2 variatus platy's, and 1 black bellied limia in at the moment! how long now would i have to wait for the algae eater to be introduced etc. etc.

also wondering how long would it be when the first fishes will be safe to say the tank set up suits?

I am a complete novice so please be kind and gentle with me!
Being a beginner you should read up on cycling your tank. It is one of the most important things to know about when starting a new tank.

As for algae eaters, the simple answer don't add one until you start having algae problems. :) But I'd definitely wait a couple weeks for your filter to catch up to the new bioload (i.e. begin the cycling process). Some of the better algae eaters are Oto cats, Bristlenose Plecos, Siamese Algae Eaters (do some research to be able to identify the true SAEs). Stay away from Chinese Algae Eaters as they stop eating algae and can get quite agressive when they get older. Otos are sensitive fish so I would definitely wait a while before adding them. Since you are going with livebearers you could consider Mollies as well. I have never kept them but I hear they will eat some algae.
I have 3 Siamese Flying Foxes. They are not the most efficient algae eaters but they do a job. Get them tiny as they do grow to about 2 1/2". Do make sure your tank has cycled. These fish will eat regular flake as well as cat fish pellets, cucumber and of course graze on algae. :good:
you have cycled your tank have you??
and what is the size of it??

like djloach says - only when have algae!! hehe - unless of course u like idea of them anyway and thinking along the lines of a plec - THESE ARE HUGE POOP PRODUCERS and can easily upset the water

and SAE's can get aggressive i have read when older and not much food variety and algae to munch on they go after other fish slime coats = very very bad hehe.


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