New Tank


Fish Crazy
Aug 7, 2004
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Hi, I am going to be setting up a 10 gal tank for a friends little guy that he got for Christmas. I have been in this hobby for 20 some years but always look for advice when I can.

I would like to keep this tank easy for them to take care of. The mother has had fish before but the little guy this is all new to him.

He did tell me that he wants Catfish, so there will have to be a couple of those for sure.

I recommended some small tetras for them, but I would like to know what types would you recommend for this tank that would look nice and attractive for this tank?

For tetras -- cardinals or neons, both can be a little delicate at first though. Or maybe some black phantom tetras. If he wants more activity, but still a peaceful setup, silver tips are usually good.
For catfish -- I think this is the real problem. Cories are the obvious choice, but they probably don't look like the type of catfish he wants. Just be careful he doesn't come home with a red tailed catfish or something lol.

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