maybe a couple of small siamese tiger fish my lfs are ment to getting for me.if not maybe a breeding tank of some sort for feeders would a pair of convicts be ok in 30g?
Yeah true, just make sure the cons arent diseased or youll pass it on...
As long as their ok for a while with no ill effects though, thell be fine.
If you havent got a heater, then why not try goldies, to keep costs to a minium?
What, so theyre really slow growers?
Till what size do you think they could be kept in a 38G???
Id love some, but i presumed theyd be too fast, and get to like 10" in like a couple of months....
if you got really small ones you could keep them in that tank for years i think.T1K?and once they get to big give me a call and i will come collect them np