New Tank...


I'm trying really hard to act normal
Feb 28, 2003
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Now that I've successfully had a seahorse tank up and running for six months, I'd like to start another SW tank. It will most likely be between 30-40 gallons. I was hoping to get some additional info on some of the following fish...

Gumdrop Coral Croucher (Caracanthus maculatus)

Swales Swissguard Basslet
(Liopropoma swalesi)

Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish
(Dendrochirus brachypterus)

Dwarf/Zebra Lionfish
(Dendrochirus zebra)

I've just found a little info on them at liveaquaria so far. I'm also not planning on putting all of these in the tank....just would like more info on them. :D How would some of these fish do with a dwarf angel and/or six line wrasse?

Any other suggestions for fish in a 30-40 gallon tank that are unique, colorful, and/or a little more demanding in terms of care?
The Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish would probably eat the Swales Swissguard Basslet and the six line wrasse.

Here's some info;

The Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish, is also called the Shortfin Lionfish or simply the Dwarf Lionfish. It has red, white, and black vertical stripes along the body; large, fan-like pectoral fins; and tall, quill-like dorsal fins. Dendrochirus zebra may also be called the Dwarf Lionfish.

A 30 gallon or larger aquarium with numerous hiding places is suitable. It will hide while acclimating to its new environment. The top spines are venomous, causing reactions similar to a bee sting.

The Dwarf Lionfish diet consists of meaty foods such as live shrimp (including ornamental shrimp), live fish, and sometimes, crustacean flesh.
The smaller dwarf Lions (genus Dendrochirus) are noted for their piscivorous nature in the wild, nor are the smaller of the Pterois genus (P. antennata, P. radiata).

However, just as with most fish, they will eat anything that fits in their mouth, and lions do have very large mouths.

I prefer the D. zebra to the D. brachypterus as it has more of the "classic" lion shape.

If you don't mind the slightly different shape of the dwarf species, however, then I would recommend the Fu-manchu lion (Dendrochirus biocellatus) as it rarely grows past 4" and has never, to my knowledge, been seen past 5" in the aquarium.

Any fish under 2" at adult size would be at risk and 3" should be safe with most of the dwarf species. Any inverts such as hermits and shrimp will likely be on the menu at some point.
I would go for fish that are the same size or close to the dwarf lion. I've personally just had my dwarf fuzzy lion ,died to unknown causes a couple of says ago, eat a feeder fish 4 inches long..almost the size of the lion itself. Feeders are quite rarely given to it, but it always suprises me at what it can eat. It's main food; freeze-dried krill, is almost 2 inches...and it ate like 5 a day!

two more things;

1. If you want really good info, don't rely on liveaquaria lmao.

and 2. You have a seahorse tank... :good: . Nice to see others on the forum keeping them!

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