New Tank (to-be) Setup


Fish Herder
Jun 9, 2002
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This isn't really an emergency, but I don't see a forum for this type of question.

I'm going to get a new tank ... probably 29 Gallon.

I envision the following: 5-6 platies/variatus, 7-8 neon tetras, a small chinese algae eater, and one clown loach.

There is the question ... can one have one clown loach? Website info on them are mixed on this question. Are they like tetras that need a group, or can they survive in a peaceful community tank on their own.

Obviously, in the 29 gallon I couldn't have more than one unless I did away with the tetras, or probably 2 of the platies. Not ready to do that yet.

If I have to punt to a 20 long, then this is all moot I suppose...

Thanks, and feel free to move this if it belongs elsewhere.
:) Joel, clowns prefer company so dropping platies is an option. I wouldn't go for the algae eater, as many are aggressive when larger and don't eat the algae anyway. I'd save up a little longer and get a bigger tank. :thumbs: Mac.
My algae eater is a baby (only an inch and a half or so long), and definitely eats algae. Peaceful dude too, unless a platy tries to peck at him. Plus, he moves a lot and my 2 yr old likes him. He stays!

So one vote for no lonely loach. Anyone else?
where you wanting the loach for a bottom feeder or some other useful purpose?

if you want entertainment for a two year old get cichlidmaster to tell you about the one group of fish he had. i looked in the tank and saw nothing. thought that is weird for him to have an empty tank. then these tails started to move. the fish had buried themselves head first in the substrate. cute little buggers. my kids liked them. can't remember what they were.

Oh yeah, I've heard of those. Some sort of tiger loach or something like that.

Yeah, bottom feeding, snail prevention, and entertainment and color.

I was thinking they got to 10" long but most sites say 6" in captivity. Is this true of clowns? LFS said if feed flake and not blood worms/shrimp/etc they will stay small. Is THAT true?

I was thinking in 29 Gallon I could have:
2 clown loaches
5 platies
6 tetras

If they stay under 10".
You can probably have a few more fish as well :D :) just don't stock up to fast as you know ;)
Think so, William?

2 X8 for loaches =16
5 X 2 for platies - 10
6 X 1 for tetras = 6
total = 32

32 is more than 29. If loaches stay small I'm right at 29.
Hi Ostrow,

Clown loches are just so cool, the loach you spoke of earlier is a Kulli Loach not a Tiger Loach, and they love to bury themselves in the substrate and you and your son would hardly ever see it.

I have six Clown Loaches and they grow very slowly, as for the point about only feeding them on flake to slow the growth I have never heard this, and live bloodworms is a must to give these cool fish the colour and energy.

I would suggest that you buy 3 or 4 and buy the slighty bigger ones and not to buy the baby ones because they seem to die if the conditions in your tank are not perfect a guide price would be between £5-£6 per fish.

Provide them wth plenty of hidding places eg: caves or hollow bogwood and enjoy them in the antics.

Hope this has helped.
Ostrow, I would get a pair of loaches, and the platys you want. Then after you tank matures, add the neons. The neons require more stable water, and they are small, so they won't start a biological nightmare when you introduce them. I don't think you will be too overstocked. From reading your threads, you are a concientious fishkeeper, and I believe you will maintain your tank properly. A lot of overstocking problems occur when people buy too many fish all at once, dump them in their tank, then wonder why the fish are dying a couple weeks later after they have done no husbandry.
Holy crap. I didnt know clown loaches prefered company. I have had mine for over a year and he's now a little over 5 inches long. But he hardley ever comes out of his castle i got him. He comes out a little bit when he's hungry but then flys back in his castle. He's so cool lookin i wish he would come out alot more. Do you think after a year of being alone that i could get him a mate and maybe he would come out a little more? Or possibly both of them would hang out in the castle? :lol:
if you added more clowns they should come out more, i've only 2 clowns but they are always out and about , especialy at feed time, oh the algea eater you have now will only eat algea while it's still young , when it gets
bigger it will get aggresive and they can get a taste for the slime which coats the fish they attach them selfs to the fish and will feed on it. leaving the poor fish susseptable to diesises,
Thanks for all the advice! I'll get a pair of loaches keep my 5 or 6 platies. I have some leftover tetras right now and will add a few neons to them later.

Thanks again.

And, good to know I can have just one loach if I build him a large castle! :S :S :S
Hi ostrow if you hav'nt bought the 29 g tank i'd consider going slightly bigger to around the 50g to house the Clown loaches in a good size tank. They also should be kept in groups of 3+. though they do grow slowely they will grow from 2"(smallest to buy to many probs if you buy any smaller especial ich probs) to 4 or 5" in four months and to around 7" in a year but then growth slows down and it then takes a few years for them to get up to around 10". Never IMO stock Clown loaches on there own. Having a look at the rest of your fish they are fine but what about cory's as no tank is complete with out them. ;)
Yeah, nowhere to put a 50 Gallon tank ... and no way to fund it!!!

I'll keep it to 2 clowns. Didn't realize they'd go from 2" to 7" so fast.
But hopefully we can handle 2 and they will do ok.

Cory's, huh?

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